The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,311

ball, but Libby—who was never embarrassed about anything she wore, wedding dress in a steak house aside—didn’t want him to see her wearing it.

There was no way in hell she would get away without showing him.

“You’re a terrible liar,” he answered. “Get out here. The blackjack tables are calling our names.”

She didn’t answer but the door cracked open an inch.

“Come on, Lib. How bad could it be? If you look like a clown, you can change. I promise.”

“It might make me look like I’ve made an unwise career choice, but I don’t think it’s a clown you have to worry about.” The door opened more and she stepped out into the doorway.

She stood still, shifting self-consciously. Something in his brain registered that she was acting out of character—other than the wedding dress, he’d never seen her self-conscious—but all the blood that usually went to the reasoning part of his brain had rushed to his crotch.

She grimaced. “That bad?”

He still couldn’t answer. He couldn’t do anything at all except stare at her. From Libby’s reaction to Gram’s demand, he’d suspected it was a sexy cocktail dress, but nothing could have prepared him for this—a sleeveless black dress that clung to every sexy curve, the hem hitting her mid-thigh. And the neckline . . . oh, God. The neckline. The V dipped below her breastbone, cradling the sides of her breasts like he longed to do with his hands. Something in his head signaled him to lift his eyes from her cleavage to her face, but that view was just as enthralling. She’d put on more makeup than usual and had made her eyes smoky and her lips red and shiny. Her hair was in a loose up-do, similar to the one she’d worn on her wedding day, but a few tendrils hung next to her cheeks, showing off the small diamond solitaire earrings she always wore.

A groan escaped her parted red lips. “I’ll change.”

“No!” he barked without thinking. The only way the dress was coming off was if he stripped it off her himself.

“But I look like a hooker.” She put her hand on the doorjamb and jutted her hip to the side. If anything, she looked even sexier.

Get your shit together, McMillan.

He didn’t trust himself near her, yet his feet propelled him forward anyway. “No, Lib. You definitely do not look like a hooker.”

“But—” Any further protest died on those gorgeous full lips as she stared up at him.

He stood directly in front of her now and it took every bit of self-control he possessed to keep from pulling her into his arms and kissing her. But it wasn’t time for that. He still needed to prove himself.

“You’re wearing the tux,” she murmured. Her gaze locked with his as her fingers played with his lapels. It was a delicate, fluid gesture—like they’d been together for years and placing her hands on his chest was the most natural thing in the world.

He let a slow, lazy smile spread across his face. “I might as well get my money’s worth out of it.” He winked. “Thanks for picking black instead of powder blue.”

She cringed, but then a grin lifted the corners of her mouth. “I wanted mauve.” Her shoulder lifted in a delicate motion that held him captive. “But I did let Mitch pick out everything.”

“Well, thank you, Mitch,” he murmured, trying unsuccessfully to keep his voice light.

Her gaze dropped to her hands and she stiffened slightly, as though realizing what she’d done. He expected her to jerk her hands away, but she kept them in place, her palms flat and her fingers splayed. “I think I should change.” Her words were soft and uncertain.

“No, Lib. You should definitely not change.” Dammit all to hell. His body was resisting this untested concept of self-control and his voice had taken on a sultry tone.

To his surprise, she pressed herself against him—only slightly—but enough to tell him that she was ready and willing.

God help him, so was he.

Don’t fuck this up, McMillan.

He took a step back. “So now that we’ve settled that, let’s go play some blackjack.”

Confusion swept over her face, and perhaps a bit of hurt, but she gave him a wavering smile. “Okay.”

Gram hadn’t thought to pack Libby a purse to go with her dress, so she left her faded Indian print bag in the room. Noah stuck her license in his wallet in case she needed it and reached out a hand to her. “Let’s go.”

She hesitated before taking it, but Copyright 2016 - 2024