The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,307

chest warmed at the sound of Gram’s voice. “Gram, it’s me. The runnee herself. Libby.”

“Libby, my girl. Did you run off to Vegas to get married, too?”

“Too? Who’s getting married in Vegas?”

“Me, of course. I caught your bouquet.” Then the older woman grumbled. “Ruby, stop getting your panties in a wad. If I want to get married, I’ll damn well do it.”

Good Lord. Even Gram—a seventy-something-year-old woman—was having better luck in the love department than she was. Noah hadn’t mentioned this part of Gram’s plan. “I didn’t even know you were seeing someone.”

“I’m not. I’m hoping to meet him here.”

“In Vegas?”

“It seems like a great place to start. After I snag him, I can take him to an Elvis wedding chapel before he changes his mind.”

Libby grinned to herself. “Elvis? I didn’t know you were an Elvis fan, Gram.”

“I’m not, but going through a drive-thru chapel seems tacky.”

Libby chuckled. “I won’t argue with you there. Noah said you brought my driver’s license?”

“I brought more than that, my girl. Why don’t you come up so I can show you?”

Libby laughed. “That sounds like a bad pick-up line, Gram.”

“Maybe I’m trying to help you get picked up. I’m in room 1835 and you better get up here soon. Don’t bring Noah.”

That caught her off guard. “Why not?”

The older woman laughed. “I don’t think you want him seeing some of it.” Her voice was muffled when she spoke again. “Ruby, give it a rest!”

Libby had no idea what Gram could have brought that she wouldn’t want Noah to see—but it couldn’t be good. Especially if it had something to do with “getting picked up.” “Noah’s checking in now. I’ll come up to see you and then meet him in our room.”

“Perfect. I’ll see you in a few minutes. And on second thought, bring that boy up with you after all. I need to see if he looks just as good as the last time I saw him at Blair’s wedding. I’ve been talking him up to my sculpting class.”

Noah was walking toward her as she hung up, trailing his suitcase and the trash bag stuffed with her wedding dress. A few people gave him strange looks, but for the most part, everyone ignored them. “You get a hold of her?”

“Yeah, she’s in room 1835 and she’s up to no good.”

He laughed. “It’s Gram. That’s a given.”

“She says she’s brought”—she made air quotes—“more than my license. At first she told me not bring you, but she changed her mind.”

His grin spread wider. “That does sound like trouble.”

“Especially since the main reason she wants you there is so she can make sure you look as good as you did at Blair’s wedding. I suspect she’s about to proposition you to sit for her sculpting class this time.”

He burst out laughing. “That old woman is bound and determined to see my bare ass. Perhaps I should just drop my pants and show it to her.”

Gram isn’t the only one who wouldn’t mind seeing your bare ass sprang into her mind out of nowhere. What in the world was wrong with her? If she couldn’t control her raging hormones, she might have to ask to sleep in the grandmothers’ room.

“How about we go up to Gram’s room first and get your surprise? Then we can drop everything off at our room.”

“Sounds good.”

Noah was quiet in the elevator, but Libby wasn’t feeling very talkative herself. She realized things were about to change. It had been easy to pretend the outside world didn’t exist when it was just her and Noah.

Perhaps Noah felt the same way and that’s why he’d reacted so strangely to the news that the older women were crashing their party.

But before she knew it, she was knocking on the door to Gram’s room, and as soon as Gram answered the door, any hesitation fell away. “I’m so glad you didn’t marry that giant teddy bear,” Gram squealed, pulling her into a hug. “That boy wasn’t the man for you.”

Libby hugged her back, instantly feeling better. “Turns out you were one of the few people who thought that way. Noah was against it from the moment I told him.”

Gram chuckled as she stepped back and pinned her gaze on Noah. “Of course he was. He’s in—”

“Standing right here,” Noah quickly interrupted, putting a hand on Libby’s shoulder. “And I’m eager to hit some blackjack tables, so how about we grab Libby’s things, drop our things off at our room, and then the four of us can Copyright 2016 - 2024