The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,293

Blair Myers Hansen had made a name for herself as a hardass divorce attorney, which was paving the way for the new practice she’d opened with Garrett.

“Where are you, Libs?”

“Ah . . .” She glanced out the window. “Billy Blue Duck BBQ.”

“Maybe not so specific.”

“Liberal, Kansas.”

“When are you coming home?”

She glanced at Noah, but he was staring out the window. “I’m not sure yet. Probably not until later in the week.”

“You’re spending a week in Liberal, Kansas?”

Libby chuckled. “No. We’re on our way to Vegas.”

“Vegas? You hate Vegas.”

“Yeah . . . well . . .” She swallowed. “Noah’s taking me on an adventure. He’s planning it all and I’m letting him.”

“So you’re okay?” Blair asked in a quiet voice that caught Libby by surprise. “Really?”

“Yeah,” she answered. “I am.”

“You know we’re here for you, no matter what, right? Megan feels terrible about what she said.”

“It’s okay,” she said, almost meaning it. Megan had hurt her deeply, but she couldn’t exactly blame her for the things she’d said.

“Talk to us next time, okay?” Blair sounded insistent. “No judgment, no matter how much Megan spouted off.” Not giving her a chance to respond, much less protest, Blair continued. “You did it because of the curse, didn’t you?” She paused. “Your birthday.”

Libby shot a glance at Noah, who was thankfully still looking out the window. She suddenly wished she’d asked for privacy. “Yeah.” She saw no reason to deny it.

“I know you believe in it, but it doesn’t mean anything, Libs. You can still meet an amazing guy and fall in love. You were never in love with Mitch.” She hesitated. “I was too caught up in Garrett and setting up the new practice to see what was right in front of my face. I let you down. I’m sorry.”

Libby gasped at Blair’s confession. Her friend really had softened. “You don’t need to be sorry. It’s done. Now I’m spending the week with Noah.”

He flashed her a grin, then motioned toward the restroom with his thumb.

Libby nodded.

“Be careful with him.”

Libby shuddered, suddenly grateful Noah had just left the table. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“We both know what he’s like, and you’re vulnerable right now. You were seeing Mitch when you met him, but now you’re available. And sometimes you don’t make good choices after a breakup.”

Libby would have gotten angry if Blair had said it in a haughty tone, but her friend sounded genuinely scared. And Libby had to admit it was true. She was notorious for making stupid decisions after a breakup.

“I know you like Noah, but I don’t trust him for one minute.”

Libby laughed, but it sounded harsh. “You think he plans to take advantage or convince me to sleep with him?”

Blair’s voice hardened. “The thought had occurred to me.”

“News flash: he could have totally taken advantage of me last night. We slept in the same bed and I only had on his shirt and my panties. But no worries. He was a perfect gentleman.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s an oxymoron when used in conjunction with Noah McMillan.”

Libby sighed, not wanting to have to defend Noah to her friend. “Look, I appreciate your concern, but there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.” At least Blair didn’t seem to be picking up on her disappointment. Still, Blair’s worries corroborated Libby’s original misgivings about her attraction to Noah. She shook her head. She could mull that one over later. “I need a favor.”

“What is it?” There was a hint of the old Blair, guarded and wary.

“Do you know where my purse is?”

“I have it. We didn’t know when you’d be back, so I seemed like the logical person to hold on to it.”

“Then that’s perfect. Can you dig out my driver’s license and express ship it to Caesar’s Palace? And put my credit cards in it too.”


“Look, I know it’s an inconvenience for you—”

“It’s not an inconvenience. I have it in my possession. I can ask my assistant Melissa to ship it. The question is why you need it.”

“Do you really think it’s a good idea for me to be traveling around the country with no ID?”

“When you put it that way . . . But why are you traveling around the country at all?”

“Why not? This is like my last big adventure. I turn thirty in two days and then I’ll be old and boring. Let me have one last fling before I leave my youth behind.”

“I’m not even going to comment on the fact that I’m already over thirty. But old and boring? Copyright 2016 - 2024