The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,290


“Maybe I was just trying to throw you off. You better be careful not to fall asleep in the car; we might just be there when you wake up.”

“I’m warning you, if you take me there, and a demonic angel jumps out at us, I’m pushing you in front of me,” she teased, then turned more serious. “No heading back east. At least not today, okay? I don’t think I can handle going back yet.”

He pulled her into a hug. “No heading east.” He gave her a squeeze, then chuckled, saying in a commanding voice, “Go west, young woman. Into the unknown frontier.”

She stepped away from him and headed toward the car. “Let’s go get some Czech food.”

Their lunch was leisurely and their food delicious. While he’d always loved being with her, something felt different today . . . in a good way. Was it this realization that he wanted more with her? Was it that they were on an adventure? Or was it that the universe had finally shifted and made Noah care about someone other than himself?

As he watched her over lunch, he realized it was true. For the first time in his life, it was more important to him that someone else was having a good time than that he was enjoying himself. And, weirdly, he was having a better time because of it.

They headed back into the car after lunch and Libby fell asleep halfway to Garden City, which gave Noah time to check his messages on his phone. Donna had told him to go to hell and rot there, adding plenty of other colorful language. Megan and Blair’s texts were frantic messages that had been sent before Libby spoke to Megan. He paused before moving on to the texts from Josh. He could only imagine the things his brother had accused him off. Sure enough, the first text had been sent while Noah was on the plane the day before. It accused Noah of being irresponsible and self-centered, citing Noah’s loss of the account and his subsequent resignation as the perfect examples, then went on to add that if there was anyone he needed to consider in all of this, it was Libby. The next text had come later that night, after Libby had told off Megan, and it denounced Noah’s decision not to let anyone know he’d taken her from the parking lot. The third said Josh was giving Noah until Tuesday to change his mind about quitting or he’d tell their mother when she came home from her cruise.

Damn, how had he forgotten about his mother?

Last was the friend request from Tiffany Brown. Not only had she accepted his request, but she’d sent a message.

Hey, stranger. I never expected to hear from you again after our crazy night at the Super Bowl Party last year . . . but that doesn’t mean I’m unhappy I did. Call me.

Then she’d listed her phone number.

Oh shit.

“Where are we?” Libby’s drowsy voice interrupted.

He locked his phone and set it down beside him. “We’re almost to Garden City.”

“Garden City? Where’s that?”

“Close to Colorado.”


He grinned as she spent the next ten minutes trying to guess what they were going to see.

“A Hungarian waffle?”


“A Greek taquito?”

He laughed. “No.”

She was amused when he parked in front of a newer-looking red brick building. “The Finney County Historical Museum? Are you trying to bore me to death? Is this your payback for using your toothbrush?”

“Guess you’ll find out.” He was more nervous this time, not only because what he was about to show her was disgusting, at least in his eyes, but he suspected Libby would appreciate its eccentricity. He got out of the car and stuffed his phone into his jeans pocket while he waited for her.

“I’m not about to get a history lesson, am I?” she asked, sounding skeptical.

He laughed, motioning for her to follow. “You’ll find out when we get inside.”

She tagged along until she was beside him, her arms tightly wrapped over her chest.

“We need to stop and find you a real coat,” Noah said, watching her shiver. “There’s a Target in this town.”

“You just need to take me somewhere warmer.” Then she hurried to the front door and went inside.

After he paid their small admission fee, they walked into the museum together.

Of course, she immediately made her way over to a genuine human skeleton nestled in a coffin and covered in Plexiglas.

“Oh, my God,” she gushed, leaning closer to it. “Is this why you brought me here?”

Noah Copyright 2016 - 2024