The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,263

he shut the door on her stunned face.

How had he been such a fool?

He ran to his bedroom to throw some clothes in a suitcase and grab the bag with his rented tux. He hadn’t canceled his flight, and if he hurried, he could still make it there in time to stop her from making the worst mistake of her life.

Thankfully, Donna had left by the time he ran to his car and sped to the airport . . . only to discover his flight was delayed. While he waited, he opened his Facebook app and found a Tiffany Brown who lived in Seattle, went to Oregon State, worked for Scott Abrahams, and was in a relationship labeled “it’s complicated.” He sent her a friend request, knowing it was a long shot, in the hopes she could give him inside info about Scott Abrahams and the competition.

After a delay on the ground, the plane touched down three hours late, which meant the wedding was due to start in just half an hour. But when he tried to call Lib to tell her he was coming and to hold off going down the aisle until he got there, he realized his phone was dead. The night before had been so intense, he’d forgotten to charge it.

The rental car process seemed to take forever, especially since he had to take a shuttle to get there, but he finally headed out, following sketchy directions from the rental car agent, who looked all of fifteen. Amazingly enough, the directions were good, and when he saw the church up ahead, he went over his options. It was 5:15, which meant the wedding had already started. Maybe he could go inside and object, like everyone had done at Blair’s wedding.

He’d boarded the plane with the aim of interrupting the wedding, but now he couldn’t help wondering what Libby would do if he objected. Would she be relieved? Would she kill him?

He pulled into the parking lot and discovered the decision had been made for him. Libby was running out the church doors, Megan and Blair hot on her heels. Noah slowed down and drove toward them, his heart in his throat.

Then Libby bolted again, running straight for his car. He hit the unlock button, watching in disbelief as she threw her bouquet into the crowd and then opened his passenger door. The sudden frenzy of women vying for the flowers reminded him of feeding time in a shark tank. Amazingly enough, Megan’s gram was front and center.

The door opened and Libby scrambled into the passenger seat. The crowd streaming out of the church was growing by the second, and Mitch stood in front of all of them like he was their disgraced quarterback.

She kept her eyes on the crowd as she shut the door. “I’ll pay you a hundred dollars if you get me out of here right now.”

She was here. In his car. And from the look on Mitch’s face, she wasn’t married.

“Only a hundred?” he asked, purposely trying to keep his tone light. “My plane ticket cost more than that.”

Libby sucked in a breath and turned to look at him, anger in her eyes.

Oh. Shit.

Chapter Three

Noah’s grin faltered, probably because he realized he was in deep shit. But getting away took precedence. She could kill him later.

Mitch raced toward the car, and even the older guests had streamed out onto the lawn. “Libby!”

Panic spiked her pulse. “What are you waiting for? Go!”

The car lurched forward and the tires squealed on the asphalt. “Where are we going?” he asked, clearly confused.

“I don’t care!” she shouted. “Just drive!”

He barely stopped at the street corner before skidding around it.

Oh, God. What had she done?

“Libby?” he asked, sounding worried. “What happened?”

“Shhhhhhh!” she hissed loudly, covering her face with her hands. “Just give me a minute.”

Thankfully, he knew her well enough to keep quiet.

What the hell had she been thinking? Why had she been so certain the stupid curse would work for her? Megan and Blair had been right. It was a coincidence that both of their love stories fit the fortune teller’s prophecy. Nothing more. Nothing less.

She was a fool.

And now, because of her idiocy, she’d wasted several thousand dollars, broken Mitch’s heart, and humiliated herself in front of a hundred people.

She’d done plenty of stupid things in her day—like the time she ran off to Monte Carlo with a mechanic who swore he was becoming a Formula One racer, only to return a week later with a Copyright 2016 - 2024