The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,26

course. The reason for everything she does. She’d rather be seen as a genteel Southern lady with class and sophistication than a woman with Midwest roots.” He handed one of the glasses to Josh, a hard look in his eyes. “I suggest you drink this. You’re gonna need it.” When he leaned down and handed Megan the other drink, he searched her face. “It’s like you haven’t told Josh a thing about our mother, Megan. I find that surprising given how much you love your Mom stories.”

He’d always been able to see through her bullshit, and she could tell he suspected something was up. Too bad he’d never guess what was really going on. She averted her gaze as she took the glass and instantly downed half of it, then struggled not to cough as it burned down her throat. “Good God, Kevin. Is that ninety-proof alcohol?”

“Long Island iced tea. I figured you needed fortitude.”

Josh gave her a concerned glance. “I’m not sure you should be drinking at all after what happened earlier.”

“Isn’t that sweet of you, looking out for Megan like that.” Kevin’s tone was off as he turned his attention to Josh. “Has she done anything like this before?”

Josh stood and met his gaze. “No, and this afternoon was inadvertent. She had no idea she couldn’t drink with Dramamine.”

Kevin cocked an eyebrow. “And you didn’t think to stop her?” His tone was unmistakably confrontational.

“He had no idea I took it.” Megan downed the rest of her drink. She had a feeling things were about to get ugly before the guests even showed up.

“He wasn’t with you?”

Josh shook his head and stood. “What exactly are you accusing me of? Trying to overdose your sister? That doesn’t seem very smart, three days before our wedding.”

Kevin took a step closer with a defiant glare. “Is there a right time to overdose your significant other, Josh?”

Megan jumped to standing, her feet leaving little wet splashes on the concrete, and placed her hand on Kevin’s chest, pushing him back. “Back off, Kevin. Josh would never hurt me. Otherwise, why would he suggest I shouldn’t drink now?”

Kevin’s eyes narrowed as his gaze turned again to Josh. “I don’t trust you. Something’s up, and I’m going to get to the bottom of it.”

“Kevin! Enough!” Megan barked out in panic. If he was this pissed without knowing the whole story, what would he do if he found out? The sooner she ended this charade and broke up with Josh, the better. “Josh hasn’t done anything to make you distrust him.”

“I haven’t liked him since you started dating, Megan. The man’s an ass. Look, maybe I’ve kept quiet about this for too long, but I can’t let you marry him without saying my piece.”

“You only just met him, Kevin!”

“Exactly my point.” His voice was low and menacing. “Why?”

Megan opened her mouth and hesitated. “He’s been busy. Working.”

“Too busy to meet your family?”

She released a heavy breath, brushing the hair off her forehead as she glanced at her grandmother, who stood to the side listening while she sipped her drink. “I didn’t want to come home, Kevin. Surely you of all people understand that.”

He was quiet for a long moment, but then he sighed and said, “She’s not the only person in your family, Megan.”

She put her hand on his arm to stop him from turning away. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Just don’t take this out on Josh.”

Kevin’s jaw tightened. “Sorry I accused you of trying to kill my sister.” He stared into Josh’s face, his eyes filled with a challenge. “I’m sure an uptight prick like you would be much tidier with how you carried it out.”


Josh tensed and took a step closer. The air between the two men was heavy with testosterone. Megan knew the slightest spark would set off this powder keg.

“Kevin, I thought you were going to get me a drink.”

Kevin continued to stare Josh down before picking up Megan’s glass off the patio and stomping back to the bar.

Megan let out a sigh of relief, sagging her shoulder into Josh’s chest. “Sorry about that.”

His arm curved around the small of her back, holding her in place. “Is your brother always that intense?”

She knew she should pull away. His physical affection was for public display, yet somehow she knew he genuinely wished to comfort her. “Only where I’m concerned.”

“He wouldn’t hurt you, would he?”

She laughed. “No. Definitely not. But he’d hunt down whoever did.” She looked up at him. “We need to make sure Copyright 2016 - 2024