The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,243

a table stacked with flowers and grabbed her bouquet. “You better take your seat. I’m ready to do this.”


Blair looked into her mother’s eyes. “Trust me, Mom. I know what I’m doing.”

“I want you to be happy, Blair.”

To her irritation, she started to tear up yet again. “This is part of that plan, Mom. You know me—I always have a plan.”

Her mother cupped her cheek and searched her eyes for a long moment. Then she pulled back and said, “When you were a little girl, I always knew when you were up to something from the look in your eyes.” She kissed her cheek. “I trust you.”

Blair nodded, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. “Thank you.”

She walked to the door and flung it open, not surprised to see her two friends huddled outside. “The wedding’s still on. Get your bouquets.”

“But—!” Megan exclaimed.

“Let’s go.” She swept down the hall, her small train flowing behind her, until she reached the lobby of the church.

Melissa stood by the closed doors to the sanctuary. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Blair. “You aren’t supposed to be out here yet. People will see you. I’m supposed to call you, remember?”

“I didn’t want to wait.”

Melissa looked her up and down, worry in her eyes. “Are you okay?”

“I’ll be better once this is over.”

“Blair, don’t—”

Blair put her hand on Melissa’s mouth. “Don’t you start.”

Melissa nodded, and Blair removed her hand. “Okay.”

“Let’s get this going immediately.”

“But we have four more minutes.”

Blair stomped her feet anxiously. “If I don’t do it now, I might lose my nerve.”

“Maybe you should listen to that inner voice, Blair,” Libby said from beside her.

“Good to see you two are joining me,” she snipped back.

Melissa looked flustered. “But people are still being seated.”

“Okay, two minutes. Then we go.”

Blair’s mother, who’d trailed her out of the lobby, kissed her cheek. “Be kind to yourself, Blair. Then you’re more likely to be kind to others. And stop lashing out at your friends. They only want to help you.”

Kindness wouldn’t help her now. She needed all her bluntness and all her anger. Her grief would ruin everything. But she nodded. “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too.”

As her mother entered the sanctuary, Megan and Libby shot her looks of disappointment as they waited. Every time they started to say something, she cut them off.

Finally, Melissa lined them up and cued the pianist to begin the wedding processional, and Dena came running from the church offices.

“No one told me it was time!” she said, her face puckered in irritation. “I don’t even have my bouquet.”

“You don’t need it,” Blair snapped.

“I’m not going without my flowers!”

Blair thrust her bouquet at Dena’s chest, and the woman scrambled to keep the flowers from falling. “Here. Now get going.” She gave Dena a little push toward the now-open doorway.

The woman stumbled several steps before recovering and then paused for long enough to shoot a glare over her shoulder.

Oh, if you think you hate me now, just wait.

“Blair, what’s going on?” Libby asked, her previous antagonistic attitude gone.

“I asked you to trust me. Can you do that?”

Libby searched her eyes. “Yeah. Why do I have a feeling this will be a wedding we’ll never forget?”

“Because you know me well.” She gave Libby’s arm a small push. “See you after.”

Libby started down the aisle wearing an ear-to-ear grin, leaving Blair alone with Megan and Melissa.

“Blair, I’m sorry,” Megan whispered, tears in her eyes. “I should have trusted you.”

“I’ve made some really stupid mistakes lately. I can see why you wouldn’t.” She smiled, her eyes filling with tears again. “Thanks for not giving up on me.”

“Never.” Megan gave her a kiss on her cheek.

“Megan,” Melissa whispered. “It’s time.”

Megan started down the aisle, and then it was just Blair and Melissa. “Melissa, no matter what happens tonight, I want you to know you still have a job at Sisco, Sisco, and Reece. I talked to Mary in HR, and she said the other attorneys would be lining up to work with you.”

“I’d rather stay with you. At least you believe in your cases. You’re trying to help those women.” She paused. “And you believe in me.”

“There’s more.” Blair grimaced. “I made some calls this afternoon. Ben Stuart lied about the partnership. But I still might not have a job after what I’m about to do.”

“You know I stand behind you no matter what.” The music changed, and Melissa smiled. “It’s time. Are you ready?”

She sucked in a deep breath. “Time to raise Copyright 2016 - 2024