The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,218

acting distant, I suspect he’s merely preoccupied with the possibility of losing his job.”

Leslie looked surprised.

Blair rested a forearm on the table. “Do you still love him?”

Tears filled her eyes. “Yes.”

“Then fight for your marriage. Don’t give up on him so easily.” Like she’d done with Garrett five years ago. “But if you do find proof or you decide you still want a divorce, come back and I’ll help you in any way I can.”

“Thank you.” Relief washed over her face.

Blair watched her walk out of her office, and Melissa came in several minutes later. “Do you have a new client?”

“No. I told her to hire a private investigator or a marriage counselor.”

Her eyes widened. “The marriage counselor bit is new.”

She shrugged. “Her suspicions were flimsy. And she still loves him.”

Melissa moved toward the door, but instead of leaving, she surprised Blair by shutting the door and moving back toward her. “So you’re still getting married?”

Caught off guard, Blair looked up at her. “Well . . . yeah.”

Melissa grabbed the chair Leslie had used and moved it in front of Blair. Blair watched in silence as her assistant sat in front of her.

“Blair, we’ve been together for four years. I think I know you pretty well by now, wouldn’t you say?”

Blair sat rigid, wondering where Melissa was going with this. “Of course.”

She took a deep breath. “Sometimes the relationship you and I have is difficult.”

Pain twisted in her gut. “You don’t like working for me?”

“What?” Melissa asked in horror. “No! I love working for you. What I meant is that you’re my boss, but we’re also friends, so I sometimes struggle with knowing when not to cross that line.”

Blair nodded, her anxiety ratcheting up.

“But I decided to risk my relationship as your employee today to approach you as your friend.”


“I don’t think you should marry Neil. He doesn’t love you, so why does he want to marry you?”

Blair expected to feel anger, but she felt exhausted instead. “We love each other in our own way. I know you don’t understand. No one does, and I get it. It’s different. But let’s face it, I intimidate most men . . . and even those who aren’t afraid of me wouldn’t tolerate my schedule. Besides, I might not believe in happily ever after, but I think it will be nice to be married and have a partner for special events and vacations. Plus we both know it will help my job.”

“None of those are good reasons, Blair,” Melissa said bluntly. “What about love?”

“I’ve spent all night thinking this over. It’s simple. I can either go with emotion or with reason. Emotion is not to be trusted. At least I know what I’ll be getting with Neil.”

“Do you?” she asked. “Are you sure?”

Blair’s eyes narrowed. “Why do you say that?”

“He doesn’t like me, and while that sounds petty on my part, I don’t get why he sees me as a threat.”

“Surely you’ve misunderstood.”

“No. You know I don’t misunderstand.”

She was right. Melissa was excellent at reading people. “What else?”

“He hates Mr. Lowry.”

“Well, that’s to be expected. Even more so now.”

“I’m certain that he wants to marry you to hurt Mr. Lowry. I don’t trust him, Blair.”

She knew that had to be part of his motivation now, but he didn’t know Garrett was her ex-boyfriend until the shower, so that certainly hadn’t been his motivation to propose. She nodded. “Okay.”

“You’re not angry?”

Blair shook her head. “No. But I admit I probably wouldn’t have listened to you before now.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.”

“Your rehearsal’s in six hours.”

“I know. For now, we’ll leave it as it stands.”

Melissa stood and took several steps before turning around. “I know you want to keep your job, but don’t do this to save me. I couldn’t live with the guilt.” Then she walked out.

Blair sat there thinking about it. She had three choices. Marry Neil. Give Garrett a chance. Or be alone. If she chose one of the latter two, she would need to make sure Melissa was protected. But how could she do that without letting on that Ben Stuart had told her about her potential partnership and its unique conditions?

Five minutes later, she knocked on the door to human resources, but even as she did, she knew it was a mere formality. The door was always open, and Mary, the one-person department, was always welcoming.

“Blair! What are you doing here? You requested the day off for your wedding.”

She smiled. “Oh, you know work . . Copyright 2016 - 2024