The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,204

all yours,” he said, sloshing out of the water.

“All of it?” Neil asked with too much glee as he waded back into the pool.

Garrett shook his head in disgust. “You still think you have her?” His voice rose as his anger resurfaced. “You think you’re still marrying her after that?”

He heard a splash behind him, and Noah grabbed his arm and tugged him toward the steps, but Garrett resisted.

Neil grinned. “Blair is, if nothing else, practical. She’ll come to her senses tomorrow. Especially after I talk reason into her.”

Garrett had never hated anyone in his entire life as much as he hated his cousin in that moment. He moved toward his cousin in the pool, wading through the waist-deep water. He stopped when they were face-to-face, then whispered, “My only consolation right now is knowing you won’t be screwing her tonight after all.” His mouth lifted into an ugly grin.

Neil swung a punch at Garrett, which he tried to dodge. The water slowed his movement, and his cousin’s fist caught him in the mouth. His lip split, and he lunged for Neil just as Noah tried to drag him back.

The women on the patio released shrieks of dismay.

Josh jumped in behind Neil and pulled his arms behind his back.

“Stay away from my fiancée!” Neil shouted as Garrett started to climb up the steps, his wet jeans dragging him down.

“She’s not your fiancée anymore!” Garrett said, shaking his head in disgust. “In case you didn’t notice, she returned your fucking ring.” Not that she’d probably ever speak to Garrett again.

He felt like he was going to be sick.

One of the guests shook her head as she tsked and turned to the woman next to her. “And this is why you shouldn’t let men come to wedding showers.”

He started up the steps to the deck, then turned to Megan’s mother. “Mrs. Vandemeer, I apologize for ruining your party. I’ll be happy to cover any damages. Just send me a bill.” Then he moved past Blair’s stunned and angry best friends, feeling heartbroken all over again.

“Garrett,” Nana Ruby called after him. “Where do you think you’re going?”

He turned around, ashamed to face her. Neil was splashing around in the pool, diving for the ring.

“Don’t you dare leave without me. Now go stop that lip from bleeding.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, sounding like a chastised five-year-old, but that’s exactly how he felt. Jesus, he’d really fucked things up.

Noah bounded after him. “Hold up. Let me get you a towel.”

Garrett followed him into the kitchen. He grabbed a paper towel and wet it, then dabbed his lip. Less than an hour ago, he’d held Blair in his arms and kissed her in this very room. And now she was probably lost to him forever.

Noah disappeared down the hall and returned half a minute later with a towel. “So what happened?”

Garrett patted at his wet jeans and shook his head, too sick to repeat the sordid mess.

“Okay, it’s done. The real question is, what are you going to do about it?”

“She hates my guts. There’s nothing I can do.”

“You’re seriously going to give up?” Noah asked in disbelief.

“Look,” Garrett said, his anger returning. “Why do you even care? What’s in this for you?”

“I already told you.”

“Well, I know her, and it’s too late. My only consolation is that I’ve saved her from him. Especially after I found out he’s ch—” Garrett stopped, horrified that he’d almost let his secret slip.

Noah’s eyes narrowed. “He’s what?”

“It doesn’t matter now.”

The back door opened, and Nana hobbled in. “You’re ready to go?”

He tossed the bath towel onto the counter. “Yeah.”

They drove back to the hotel in silence. He spent the twenty-minute drive expecting her to berate or lecture him. The silence was convicting enough. He pulled into the parking lot in front of the hotel and turned off the engine.

“Nana, I . . . I don’t know what to say.”

She narrowed his eyes. “Bullshit. You do know what to say.”

He swallowed. “You have no idea how sorry I am.”

“I’m not.”

His gaze jerked up. “Excuse me?”

“You deaf? I’m not sorry.”

He shook his head, certain he’d heard her wrong. “Excuse me?” he said again.

“That punch was a long time coming.”

He blinked. “What?”

“You think I’m stupid?”

He grinned, his lip stinging. “No, ma’am. Never.”

“I know my grandkids. I know that boy’s a weasel.”

He sighed. “I did more harm than good.”

“True.” She chuckled. “But I confess I liked seein’ you deck him.”

“Don’t be telling Aunt Debra that. She might have you committed into a home.”

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