The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,202

company forces their employees to get married in order to make partner?”

Blair took a step backward. “I know you two don’t understand, but I ask that you support my decision. Can you do that?”

Both women looked up at her with sadness and sympathy, which killed her even more. Sympathy meant they saw her as weak. Weak meant vulnerable. She couldn’t afford to be either.

“Yes,” they finally said in unison.

“We’re here for you, no matter what,” Megan added.

“Thank you.” Blair picked up the cake on the counter and headed for the back door. “Now it’s time to go back to the party.” And back to the nightmare that had become her life.

Chapter Seventeen

Garrett watched the three women practically run into the house. Maybe he’d gone too far.

Noah patted his arm and tilted his head toward the back door, chuckling. “That’s a good thing.”

Was it? He knew he had to knock Blair out of her comfort zone to reach her, but it killed him that he was hurting her in the process. If he only had more time . . . but he didn’t.

Lost in thought, it took him a moment to realize that Neil was standing in front of him, his eyes dark with anger. “We need to talk.”

Garrett rose from his chair and stood face to face with his cousin. “I agree.”

Josh and Noah got to their feet as well. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” Josh said.

“No,” Nana Ruby barked. “You two go talk out your differences.”

“Oh, for goodness sake,” Dena groaned. “Please tell me that you two aren’t going to duke it out over that stupid ring.”

Neil’s eyes hardened. “We’re fighting over something, all right.”

Josh glanced around the yard, worried. “Maybe you should go in the front.”

“I think by the shed is good enough,” Neil said with a toothy grin. “I want to be here when Blair comes out.”

“Sounds good to me,” Garrett forced out, stomping over in that direction.

Neil followed him, and as soon as they rounded the corner, he lost all pretense of playing the nice guy. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Garrett?” he asked in a low voice. “What are you really doing here?”

“I already told you. Nana made me come.”

“Bull shit. Nana didn’t make you write that answer.”

“At least I was being truthful. And what would your answer be? That you saw her and got dollar signs in your eyes?”

Neil rolled his eyes. “There’s more to us than that.”

“You don’t love her, you prick. You don’t deserve her.”

Bewilderment covered Neil’s face. “And now you think you do? You’re only hurting her more.” He swallowed, his eyes turning cold. “What happened in the kitchen before I walked in, Garrett?”

“Why don’t you ask Blair?”

“Because I’m asking you.”

Garrett refused to answer.

Neil poked Garrett’s chest. “You keep your hands off my fiancée.”

“How would you notice? You’re too busy screwing other women to give her the attention she deserves.” He fisted his hands at his sides. “I intend to make sure she knows she has a choice.”

“With you?” Neil laughed. “You’re delusional if you think she’d go back to you.” He shrugged. “If you want to break us up so badly, why don’t you just tell her about Layla?”

Garrett gritted his teeth. Despite what Neil had told him earlier—and his own gut feeling—he’d thought about it. He knew it was a potential grenade that could blow up in his face, but he absolutely could not let her marry Neil. He had to tell her. So why couldn’t he make himself do it?

One more day. He’d give her one more day.

“If you don’t break it off by tomorrow night, I’ll tell her.”

Neil chuckled. “Do what you think is best.” His smirk told him that Neil still thought there wasn’t a chance in hell Blair would believe him.

“Just let her go, Neil. Please.”

Neil watched him with amusement. “I like watching you squirm.”


“I kissed her because I saw you coming out the door. I kissed her to show you that she’s mine.” Hate filled his eyes. “For once I have something you want but can’t have. How does it feel?”

White-hot rage rushed through Garrett’s body. “Oh, my God. So this is revenge for you? You’re doing this to hurt me?”

Neil’s grin turned evil. “I’m marrying Blair for the reasons I told you earlier. But I have to admit that making you suffer is a very nice bonus.” He swallowed. “There’s no way I’ll break up with her now, because I will never let you have her.”

Jesus, Garrett Copyright 2016 - 2024