The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,180


A grudging grimace tightened her mouth before she said, “I bet it came with a fancy price.”

He couldn’t argue with that. “I’m surprised to see you here. I expected you to stay at a Motel 6.” Garrett’s mother had told him the wedding guests were staying at this hotel, which was why he was here, but he’d never expected his nana to stay somewhere so upscale.

“Neil insisted I stay here, and the fool paid for it,” she grumbled. “He’s trying to show me how much money he has now. I suppose you’re trying to flaunt it too.”

He laughed. “You think anything that costs more than fifty dollars a night is too much.”

“I don’t need my bathroom covered in marble. It’s a damn hotel room, not a church.”

He chuckled and lifted his bottle in a salute. “How about I get you a fancy beer to drink? I’ll waste my money.”

She pondered it for a moment and moved to the stool next to him. “Why the hell not? I’m going to a damn wedding shower for Neil’s bride-to-be. I’ve never met her, but if she’s anything like my pompous grandson, she’s bound to be a doozy. I’ll need all the help I can get.”

Garrett’s eyes widened, and several questions ran through his head at once. He latched onto the one that seemed the most important. “Wait? You’re going to a wedding shower? Tonight?”

“Ain’t that what I just said?” She climbed up on the stool and looked around. “Where’s my beer?”

Garrett flagged down the bartender and ordered her beverage.

“You and I need to have a chat.” Her tone was hard, which prepared him for what she had to say next. He was lucky she hadn’t led with it. “What the Sam Hill you been doin’, boy?”

He steeled his shoulders. “Exactly what you asked me to do, Nana.” He held out his hands. “I went to the dinner last night. I’m here like a dutiful grandson.”

“Bullshit,” she barked. “I gave you one assignment, and you blew it to kingdom come.”

“Nana, I can explain.”

“Save it.” She gave him a stern look. “Why do you want the ring?”

What should he tell her? He suspected she’d understand if he told her the truth, but then she’d try and take matters into her own hands. Nana Ruby wasn’t known for her subtlety. “I guess Mom’s rubbed off on me.”

“So how do you plan to get it?”

“I told Aunt Debra and Neil that we’d let you decide.”

She stared at him like he’d lost his mind, then started to chuckle. “I want you to take me to the shower tonight.”

“A wedding shower?” Part of him was horrified, but he also knew Blair would be there, of course. “Okay.”

Her eyebrows lifted in suspicion. “No argument?”

Garrett gave her a lazy smile. “I’ve learned it’s pointless to argue with you, Nana Ruby. Besides, I’m already in enough hot water.”

“Your mother’s gonna be there.”

His smile fell. “She said she was coming tomorrow.”

Nana shrugged. “She changed her mind.”

Well, that changed things. World War III was liable to break out at the party. He really didn’t want to be part of it, but he could only imagine how Blair would handle it. It could quickly degenerate into Armageddon, with all three Lowry women pitted against one another. “Are they serving dinner at this thing?”

She pulled an envelope out of her brown purse. “Here. This will tell you everything you need to know.”

He pulled the cream invitation out of the envelope and a rose scent hit his nose. The heavy paper was embossed with gold script and covered with flowers.

Nicole Vandemeer cordially invites you to attend a garden party wedding shower for Blair Myers Hansen on August 21 at 7:00 p.m. Light sandwiches and tea provided. Wear pastel colored clothing to fit in with the theme.

The bartender brought Nana her beer, and she took a sip. “You think it would taste better at this fancy price.”

He grinned. “It doesn’t cost that much more, Nana.” He waved the invitation. “A garden party? Light sandwiches and tea? That doesn’t seem like your kind of party.”

“I tried to get out of it, but your aunt had a conniption.”

“Why am I going?”

“Because I said so.”

Maybe this was his punishment for claiming the ring, but if so, he would take it—any excuse to spend more time around Blair. Then another thought hit him. “Wait. Are other men going to be there?”

It would be incredibly awkward if he was the only man around, but he’d live with it if he could somehow get Copyright 2016 - 2024