The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,171

tapped them on the table. “Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Norfolk. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow morning.” She stood and turned her back as she headed toward the door.

“You bitch,” he muttered under his breath.

Garrett’s hands fisted, and he gritted his teeth.

Blair stopped and turned around to face him. “Whatever helps you fall asleep at night, Mr. Norfolk.” Then she left the room, shutting the door behind her.

The court reporter was packing up her belongings when Norfolk turned his attention on Garrett. “What the hell was that? I thought you were my lawyer, not her assistant.”

“Mr. Norfolk.” Garrett’s shoulders tensed as he forced himself to refrain from letting loose on the man. “If you ever speak to the opposing counsel so disrespectfully again, we will toss your case, along with your ass, out onto the street. Have I made myself clear?”

The man’s eyes bulged. “But now I’m going to have to pay the bitch even more money!”

Garrett had had enough of this man. “This is your fault. You were required by law to provide all of your income and investments, and now that your wife’s legal team has realized there were missing funds, you’re about to pay out the nose. You would have been better off if you hadn’t tried to hide it.” The real question was how Lopez had missed it. Garrett had glossed over all the financial paperwork, focusing on the totals, because he’d presumed the fool would have done his homework. He intended to call Lopez as soon as he got rid of the asshole next to him.

Norfolk stood and pointed his finger at Garrett. “You’re going to pay for this! I’m talking to your bosses.”

“Go ahead. They’ll tell you the same thing. That’s if they don’t fire you for committing illegal activities. We don’t represent criminals.”

The man’s face turned red. “Do they know you want to screw that bitch who just eviscerated me? I saw you salivating after her. What will they say when they find out you let her get away with it because you want to get into her pants?”

Garrett’s chest constricted as he stood, but he refused to show a reaction to his douchebag client. “I can assure you that I want to sleep with a long list of women, but I’ve never let that affect my counsel.” He saw movement out of the corner of his eye and saw Blair’s assistant in the now-open doorway. Fuck.

Her assistant shot him a glare, then moved toward the court reporter and said something in a hushed tone about coming back in the morning.

Norfolk stomped out of the room, and Garrett closed his laptop and stowed it in his bag, taking a deep breath to help himself calm down. He kept the assistant in the corner of his eye. Based on the protective way she’d kept him from Blair’s office, he suspected she would run to Blair and tell her everything. Should he try to explain himself? His head told him to let it go, but a little voice inside him said that there was still a chance Blair wasn’t happy with Neil. Maybe her assistant could give him some insight. He didn’t expect her to spill her guts about her boss, but he was hoping he could read her body language when she answered him.

The court reporter headed out the door, followed by Blair’s assistant. He caught up to her just outside the room.

“Melissa, isn’t it?”

The woman turned to him in surprise, then her face lost all expression as she waited for him to continue. She reminded him of a slightly younger Blair.

“I feel like we got off on the wrong foot yesterday.”

Her eyebrows rose, and her mouth tipped into a hint of a smirk. “No, I think everything happened as it should have.”

“I don’t know what Blair told you, but—”

“Ms. Hansen didn’t tell me anything. You are a nonissue, so please don’t give yourself any more importance than you deserve.”

Ouch. She was good. “Okay, fair enough. But I’m sure she told you that I’m her fiancé’s cousin.”

She remained icy. “Really? What a coincidence.”

“I just don’t want things to be awkward this weekend.” Damn, he was royally screwing this up. He sounded lame even to himself.

A patronizing smile lit up her eyes. “Don’t you worry, Mr. Lowry. You don’t have the power to affect anything in regard to Blair’s wedding.” Then she turned and walked down the hall.

“You got burned by the Ice Princess, huh?” a man behind him said.

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