The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,151

talked to a few sources at some of the bigger firms, and no one’s looking to bring on associate attorneys. In fact, Morrow and Smith is downsizing.”

“And the smaller firms?”

Melissa shook her head. “The only firm that’s currently looking is Chester, Williams, and Horn.”

Blair rolled her eyes. “They’re practically ambulance chasers. So there’s nothing?”

“No. Now what’s going on?”

Blair tried to ignore the tightness in her chest. “I can’t tell you.”


She shook her head. “I promised not to tell.”

“Are you losing your job?”

She took a deep breath, trying to clear her head. “Of course not.” She forced a smile. “It doesn’t hurt to put out feelers.”

“Blair.” Melissa paused and moved forward, crossing her arms over her chest. “I need to know if I should start looking for a job.”

Oh God. She’d lose her position too. Blair wanted to tell her everything was okay, but she refused to lie to her. “I don’t know. But if you do, I’ll write you the best damned reference letter ever written.” A lump formed in her throat, and her numbness finally dissolved into anger. It was one thing to screw with Blair, but another to screw with someone she cared about. “I promise you I’ll make this right.” Her voice shook, and she clenched her fists.

“You can tell me what happened. I won’t tell anyone. I swear.”

Blair looked at her assistant for a long moment, wishing she could bring Melissa into her confidence. While she knew her assistant wouldn’t blab, this was too serious to take the risk. “I’ll know something next week. I’ll tell you then.”

“You’ll be on your honeymoon next week.”

How could she enjoy herself on her honeymoon if her job hung on the balance? The pins holding her control in place had begun to slip loose. She could not flip out now. She cleared her throat. “Now tell me what you found out on the status of Brian Norfolk’s side bank account.”

“Blair.” Melissa’s voice was softer than usual. “How do you know Garrett Lowry?”

She turned to look at her assistant, her breath catching in her already tight chest. Just hearing his name sent her heart racing, and that was not good.

“I’m not stupid. I can tell you have a history with that guy.”

Blair shook her head. “That’s water under the bridge in my ancient past.” She forced her smile even brighter. “I’m over all that now.”

The look on Melissa’s face said she didn’t buy it for a minute. “For what it’s worth, he was using his charm to get me to set up a lunch with you.”

“Why?” Her stomach dropped to her toes. So he hadn’t been trying to get a date with her assistant. The relief she felt from the knowledge was disconcerting.

“He didn’t say, but he seemed determined.”

Blair steeled her back. “That’s out of the question.”

“I figured.” Melissa hesitated. “But he is cute.”

Her hand tightened around a pen on her desk. “I’m getting married on Saturday.” She hadn’t seen Garrett in years, yet now she’d seen him twice in a matter of twenty-four hours, and it was making her question everything. She had to focus on what was important. Her job. Melissa’s job. Her upcoming nuptials. Marriage with Neil. She was furious with herself for giving Garrett the power to threaten the world she’d built for herself, simply by walking back into her life, even if it was coincidental. “Melissa. This wedding has to be absolutely perfect.”

“It will be.”

She frowned. “I need to make sure that absolutely nothing goes wrong with this wedding.” She paused, then lowered her voice and stared into her assistant’s eyes. “Everything is riding on this.”

Melissa watched her for a moment, obviously confused as to how a matrimonial ceremony could affect everything. But typical Melissa, she accepted Blair at her word. “And nothing will. It will be perfect. I promise.”

Blair knew she could count on her assistant, so she had left many of the wedding details in her capable hands, especially since she had so many other issues on her plate.

She offered her a weak smile. “You’ve helped me so much, and this completely goes above and beyond anything in your job description—especially since my wedding planner skipped town. Now it’s more important than ever. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

Melissa held up her hand. “Please stop. You’re the best boss I’ve ever had, and I’d do anything and everything to help you. And right now, I feel obligated to point out that you have a dinner with your future in-laws in less than Copyright 2016 - 2024