The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,146

convinced them to hold off the vote until next week.” He paused for a moment. “Until after your wedding.”

She looked at him like he’d lost his mind.

“The fact you’re getting married is in your favor. They want a married partner, and it’s seen as a plus that Neil’s a doctor.” He cringed. “I shouldn’t be telling you any of this.”

She waved her hand in dismissal. “You already said that, and I won’t tell anyone, I swear. But if they want a married partner, why not go with me? George York isn’t married, and if the office rumor mill is to be believed, he isn’t even dating anyone.”

“Like I said, a few old—but influential—coots are worried you’re not feminine enough.”

“You’ve got to be shitting me. That’s sexist, not to mention illegal.”

His eyes hardened. “I swear to God, Blair, if you file a suit, I’ll lie through my teeth and deny it all. You’ll lose the case and your career.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Stop being such a drama king. I wouldn’t do that.” She knew it would be career suicide, but it didn’t mean she didn’t wish she could make them pay.

“Listen, it’s not all of them, and they can be swayed. All you have to do is show up at your wedding in a pretty dress and smile like a demure blushing bride. Then you’ll check the marriage box while being sweet and covered in white lace or taffeta or whatever the hell your dress is made from. You’ll be a shoo-in. I’ll make sure of it.”

She had to wonder if she wanted to be a partner. She already knew from personal past experience that some of the partners were sexist, so if the others were really that sexist . . . But she reminded herself that Ben was right—the older partners were in their sixties and seventies. They’d be out soon, one way or the other. She also reminded herself that she and Ben weren’t friends, despite his role in introducing her to Neil. He had no obligation to tell her anything. In fact, he was going out on a limb.

“Well, thank you for the heads-up.” She glanced at the clock and took several steps toward the door.

“A couple of other things, Blair.”

She paused with her hand on the doorknob.

“I think Rob Sisco Jr. might be watching your performance for the rest of the week. And he’s looking for reasons to vote against you.”

Her mouth dropped, but she quickly recovered. “Thanks. What’s the other?”

He grimaced. “If they don’t make you partner, they’re letting you go.”


His jaw tensed. “You didn’t hear it from me.”

She nodded as she walked out of his office, shell-shocked.

“Tell Neil I’ll see him at the reception,” he called after her.

She was momentarily confused before she quickly recovered. “Yeah. He’s excited to see you.”

She tried to act normal as she made her way back to Melissa’s desk, sorting through Ben’s bombshell announcement. She should be pissed. She should be ready to fight, but she was too numb to feel anything.

Melissa looked up at her, smiling with excitement. “Well?”

It was nearly eleven, and even if Blair could share her conversation with Ben, she needed to process everything first. “Has Lopez’s replacement arrived yet?”

“Yes, he’s in the conference room with the younger Mr. Sisco.” Worry filled Melissa’s eyes.

“Shit.” So Ben’s information had been spot on.

Melissa leaned forward, her face pale. “What’s going on, Blair? I take it you weren’t offered a partnership.”

“I can’t get into it right now.” She started to feel lightheaded, but she couldn’t let her job performance suffer now. Now, more than ever, she had to prove she was worth keeping on staff. “I’ll tell you about it later. In the meantime, I need you to discreetly find out if any firms are looking for an associate attorney. You can not mention my name.”

“What?” Melissa’s eyes flew open, and Blair instantly regretted mentioning it without more explanation. Not that it would help. The outlook was bad any way she presented it.

Instead, she left the poor woman behind as she hurried down the hall and stopped outside the conference room. She took a moment to put her game face on, feeling more unprepared to deal with this deposition than any she’d had since graduating from law school. Knocking on the door, she walked into the conference room, then nearly passed out when she saw the opposing counsel.

Garrett Lowry.

Chapter Four

Garrett was in a foul mood as he walked into the law offices of Sisco, Sisco, and Copyright 2016 - 2024