The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,143

start now. “I’ll be there by ten forty-five. Make sure Mrs. Norfolk knows the deposition has been postponed, and make sure she has her—”

“Half-caf, soy-milk latte. I know, Blair. Go shower. I’ll have everything ready for you when you get here.”

“Thanks.” She hung up and headed out of the parking lot. As soon as she paid her parking fee, she called Neil, guilt washing through her. Should she confess about her encounter with Garrett? But she had no idea what had even happened. Maybe she should wait and see if she remembered more details as the day went on. Lost in her turmoil, she was surprised when he answered. He was usually tied up with rounds in the morning. She’d expected to leave a message.

“Hey . . . Blair . . .” He sounded distracted. And out of breath. “How was your trip? What time did you get in last night?”

“You weren’t at my condo?” she asked in surprise, scrambling with what to say. “I got stuck in Phoenix. Weather. Sorry I didn’t call. Why aren’t you at work?”

“I figured you got hung up. It was late when I got off, so I just stayed at my place. I don’t have to be at the hospital for another hour. But hey, while I have you, I wanted to make sure you didn’t forget about the family dinner tonight.”

She shook her head in confusion, even if he couldn’t see it. “What family dinner? We’re all going to Boulevard Brewery for the tasting and dinner Thursday night.”

“Sorry, Blair. Mom’s decided to have a pre-wedding festivity dinner tonight at a barbeque restaurant. Just you, me, Mom, and Dad.”

“You did not tell me that.” If he had, she would have nixed it right away. Which was probably why she was only hearing about it now. Blair had no delusions about the real reason Debra Fredrick was in town four days early. This was her pathetic attempt at a power grab over the remaining details of the wedding. She was hoping Blair would be too busy with her job to notice—a job Debra Fredrick hated, but would use to her advantage, nonetheless.

“Well, now you know. And you have to go. Mom said she left a message with Melissa, so I’m sure you already heard the news, but my asshole cousin is going to be in the wedding. Mom’s about ready to have a seizure.”

“If you think he’s an asshole, then why the hell are you having him in the wedding?” And why hadn’t he told her himself?

“I’m not. And neither is Mom, so don’t take it out on her. This change has been decreed by Nana Ruby.”

“Well, just tell her no. Your mom needs to get her under control, Neil.” She sounded dismissive and mean, but she was already on edge. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

“Tell you what. You tell Nana Ruby no. You’ll get your chance tomorrow night. She’s coming early and has declared Thursday to be Family Fun Day.”

There was the sound of running water in the background, and she was almost certain she heard a woman’s voice. “Is someone with you?” Suspicion had crept into her voice, catching her by surprise. She was obviously deflecting her own guilt.

He paused. “It’s the television, Blair. One of those morning talk shows with women hosts. What are you accusing me of?” His voice was tight with anger.

“Nothing. Sorry.” She was really losing it. Neil had the libido of a sloth. He was the last person she’d suspect of cheating. It was one of his most appealing traits.

“Mom’s going to text you the address of the restaurant. She says to be there by six.”

She stifled a groan. The last thing she needed was a night of fun with his mother. “I’ll try my best.”

“There is no try. Only do.” His tone was stern, but she heard the hint of teasing.

Blair rolled her eyes, but she felt a stab of nostalgia. He’d been so horrified to learn she’d never seen Star Wars that he’d insisted on a six-movie marathon to make up for lost time. That was back at the beginning of their relationship, when they used to have fun. She couldn’t remember when that had changed. “Whatever, Yoda. See you later.”

As she hung up, she mulled over the fact that they hardly ever said I love you. Megan and her husband said it to each other often enough to make everyone sick . . . but still sort of happy for them. Copyright 2016 - 2024