The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,131

that.” Her no-nonsense countenance had returned, and she was ready to take charge once again. “You’re not stuck with this. I’ll take care of it.”

Megan looked between Josh and her mother and took a deep breath. “What if I want to be stuck with this?”

Josh leaned over his knees, weak from relief. “Oh, thank God,” he mumbled under his breath.

Knickers eyes widened. “Why on earth would you want that, Megan?”

“Because I love him.”

“How? You hardly know him.”

“I don’t know. I just do.”

“So you’re married to Josh McMillan?”

She gave him a bright smile that sucked his breath away. “Yes, I suppose I am.”


Two months later, Megan McMillan pushed open her apartment door, terrified she was too late. “Josh!”

“In the bedroom.”

She shut the door behind her and dropped her purse on the entry table before she hurried down the hall. Josh was bent over a suitcase, zipping it closed.

“I got tied up at work, and I thought I missed you.” Her voice broke and she felt ridiculous. He might be flying to Kansas City, but she’d see him in two days.

Josh stood upright and turned to her, the look in his eyes making her tingle from head to toe. How could he always look at her with such wonder, as though he were seeing her for the first time?

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. When he lifted his head, he smoothed the hair back from her face, searching her eyes. “I think I should postpone my trip and leave when you can get away on Wednesday.”

“No, don’t be ridiculous,” she said, more for her benefit than his. “You have to be there tomorrow for the big meeting with the new investor. It was your idea to merge your business with my father’s. You have to be there to oversee everything.”

“You’re more important than some business meeting, Megan. Besides, Noah can take care of it.”

She snorted. “Noah? He can barely feed and clothe himself.”

“He’ll be there anyway. He’s flying with me.”

That was news to her. “Why? He hates business meetings.”

“I have a feeling it has something to do with Libby.”

“What? But she’s still with Mitch.”

He kissed her again, taking her breath away, along with all thoughts of Noah and Libby. Her knees weakened and he wrapped an arm around her back, holding her to his chest. “I really think I should postpone this trip,” he whispered huskily into her ear. “I’m not sure I can be away from you for two days. The longest we’ve been apart is twelve hours.”

She looked up at him and forced a smile. “Some people like Blair would find that nauseating.”

“Good thing we’re not like that.”

She looked down at his chest and smoothed several imaginary wrinkles from his shirt. “No.” She forced her voice to sound firm. “You need to go, and I can’t come with you today because of my meeting tomorrow. I’ll fly in on Wednesday for Blair’s wedding weekend like we planned.”

He sighed and placed a lingering kiss on her lips. “Being responsible sucks.”

She laughed. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“I’ll stay with your parents until I pick you up from the airport; then we’re staying in a hotel. Because after being away from you two nights, I can’t promise to be quiet in bed.”

He kissed her again, making her wish she had time to strip off both their clothes.

“Do me a favor,” he murmured against her lips.

“Anything,” she sighed.

“If some man sits by you on the plane and offers to stand in as my proxy, refuse.”

She gave him an ornery grin. “I don’t recall having any say in the matter the first time.” She laughed. “But I couldn’t imagine my life any other way.”

“Neither can I, Meggie.” He placed a soft kiss on her lips, filling her with love and contentment. “Neither can I.”

The Player (The Wedding Pact #2)

Blair’s Wedding

The Player

The Wedding Pact #2

Chapter One

Blair Hansen had always heard that near-death experiences made people reevaluate their lives. She’d spent nearly thirty years sure about what she wanted in life, but all it had taken for her to start questioning everything was some severe turbulence on a 747.

She picked up her whiskey and took a healthy sip. No girly drinks for her. Blair had forced herself to drink whiskey until she liked it. Being tough—and letting other people know it—was how she’d gotten to where she was in life. Which was currently in a hotel bar in Phoenix, Arizona, waiting to hear if they had a room for her to spend the night.

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