The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,127

the charade of the wedding. His back stiffened, and he forced himself to shake the man’s hand. Megan wasn’t as gracious and barely acknowledged either of them. Her father gave her a confused glance, but the next guest approached, and Drew and his date moved along to their table.

Josh looked over at Noah, a couple of places down the line. They exchanged a nod; then Noah’s gaze followed Drew to his seat.

A couple of minutes later, Josh’s stomach tightened when he glanced into the face of his mother. She’d seemed happy enough during the wedding, but what would she say now that it was all over?

“Mom . . .”

She reached up and pulled him into a tight hug. “I’d ask you if you’re sure, but it’s too late for that now. Besides, the happiness rolling off you tells me that you are.”

He swallowed. “I’m sorry.”

She broke loose and looked up into his eyes. “Why would you be sorry?”

“For not telling you sooner.”

“From what Noah told me, there wasn’t much sooner you could have told me.” She grabbed his hand, tears in her eyes. “You’re so much like your father. Even when it comes to love.”

His face warmed and he realized Megan was watching them, both fear and worry on her face. He took her hand in his and turned to his mother. “Mom, this is Megan Vandemeer . . . the most amazing woman in the world.” He turned to his mother. “Next to you, of course.”

His mother laughed. “Now that you’re married, I’ll relinquish the title.”

Megan held out her hand. “Mrs. McMillan . . . I’m so happy you came.”

His mother ignored her outstretched hand and hugged her. “None of that Mrs. McMillan stuff. Call me Marla.”

She squeezed her one more time, and Josh let out a sigh of relief. So she wasn’t going to hold this impromptu wedding against either of them.

His mother gave him an ornery grin. “And why are you calling her Megan Vandemeer? She’s Megan McMillan now.” Worry filled her eyes and she hastily added, “Unless, of course, you plan on keeping your maiden name. I realize women do that nowadays.”

Megan laughed and wrapped her arm around Josh’s, leaning her temple into his shoulder and looking up into his face. “No. I like the sound of Megan McMillan.”

He leaned down and kissed her. “I like the sound of that, too.”

His mother smiled. “I can’t wait to get to know you better, Megan. Anyone who can make my son beam with so much happiness is a very welcome addition to our family.” Her gaze landed on Noah, who was joking around with Libby. “Now if Noah could just settle down with a good woman.”

Josh snorted with a grin. “I wouldn’t hold my breath.”

Knickers had outdone herself with the reception as well. The dinner was served under a huge organza-draped tent filled with flowers and candelabras. After the dinner, the guests made their way to the makeshift dance floor on the lawn, dancing to music played by a band.

Hours into the reception, the open bar had helped the atmosphere shift from formal to fun-loving, but Noah still hadn’t made his move. Finally, Josh saw Miriam head up to the administrative building, where the restrooms were located. Noah followed about thirty seconds later, with Libby close behind. The heavy sense of responsibility that had been plaguing him finally sloughed away.

Josh spun Megan around on the dance floor under the stars. The band Knickers had hired was surprisingly good. He knew they should be mingling with their guests, but he couldn’t bring himself to lose this perfect moment with her.

A couple of dances later, Megan noticed his attention drift up the small hill, and she glanced around. “Where’s Noah?”

Josh gave her a knowing look. “He’s getting our proof.”

“Do you think he’ll get it?”

He grinned. “Yeah.”

“What about my dad?” Worry lines wrinkled her forehead.

“Hey.” She looked up at him. “Let’s find out what Miriam tells Noah, then go from there.”

“Okay.” She nodded. “Did you get the marriage license from Noah yet?”

Josh had told the minister he’d take care of mailing the license, but he’d seen the minister hand the stamped envelope to Noah, who’d been evasive about it all evening. “No. But I’ll get it. I promise.”

“Josh! What if Noah loses it?”

He stopped dancing and kissed her, making them both forget about Noah and what he was up to. “How much longer do we have to stay at this thing?” he asked, his lips brushing hers. “I’m very eager to Copyright 2016 - 2024