The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,125

his lips. “See you at the altar, Mr. McMillan.”

Her mother’s unfocused eyes darted around. “Did she just call him Mr. McMillan?”

Just then the usher came around the corner to lead her to her seat.

Josh started to head for the chapel but stopped when he saw Nicole pull away from the usher and stumble toward her daughter. She was probably planning to give her an earful about letting Josh see her dress. This wedding might not be real, but he wasn’t going to let her mother screw this up for her any more than she already had.

Sensing that Megan’s mother was chemically impaired, the usher reached for her good arm to lead her away, but she shrugged him off again.

Josh was about to bolt toward them to intervene but stopped when he heard Nicole’s first words. “You’re a good girl, Megan. I wanted you to have the perfect wedding. I’ve been a terrible mother to you, and I know it. This was my way of trying to make it up to you, but I went ahead and screwed that up, too.”

“No, Mom.” She shook her head, tears glittering in her eyes. She looked up at Josh, and he offered her a reassuring smile. All the drugs must have shaken some warmth and affection from Megan’s mother, and he was relieved. Granted, Knickers hadn’t handled the wedding arrangements the best way, but as a gesture, it was appreciable.

“It’s the most beautiful wedding ever. Thank you,” Megan said, placing a hand on her mother’s good shoulder.

Assured that Megan was okay, Josh took his place at the altar of the all-glass chapel, the view of which overlooked the gardens. Knickers had outdone herself with the organza draping gracing the ends of each pew. Flowers were everywhere—roses in varying shades of white and pale pink. Josh hated to admit it, but Knickers’ wedding madness had paid off. The glass chapel was gorgeous on its own. The plethora of flowers made it stunning.

Kevin stood on the altar with him, and Noah stood in the best man position. Noah leaned over and whispered in Josh’s ear, “I know Knickers was worried about your side of the church being too bare.” He pointed to the right. “There’s a surprise for you.”

Josh turned his attention to the front row and was shocked to see his mother. Tears filled her eyes, and she gave him a warm smile. He turned back to Noah, silently demanding an explanation.

“You can’t get married without Mom. She’d kill us both.” When Josh didn’t avert his gaze, he continued. “When I asked for the rings, she demanded to know why, so I told her everything. She overnighted the rings, but her plane barely landed in time.”

Josh leaned closer to Noah’s ear. “But this wedding isn’t real.”

Noah smirked. “You just keep telling yourself that.”

The string quartet switched to the wedding march, setting Josh’s heart to racing, and first Libby then Blair walked down the aisle.

Bart walked down the aisle next, Megan on his arm. She was gorgeous in her white silk dress, her dark hair hanging down her back. A short veil—the one the sales clerk had recommended—was pinned to the top of her head. She carried a bouquet of soft pink roses. All eyes in the chapel were on her, but her gaze remained fixed on him as she made her way to the front of the room. The love in her eyes sucked his breath away, and he once again thanked God above that this woman was his. His chest warmed as she approached him, and before he knew it, they were standing in front of everyone.

When the minister announced it was time for the vows, Josh interrupted him. “Uh . . . I wrote my own vows.”

Megan’s eyebrows lifted playfully as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a napkin.

“Okay,” the minister said, sounding uncertain. Josh knew Knickers had told him to stick to the traditional vows, and this was throwing off the scripted ceremony.

Josh opened the napkin and began to have second thoughts as he looked down at the list in his hand. His gaze lifted to hers and she smiled, giving him the silent encouragement he needed to speak.

“Megan, I promise to stay in the shower with you when the water turns cold.”

She giggled.

“I promise to carry you off planes when you overdose on Dramamine, but I draw the line at letting your Gram take pictures of my bare butt.” He turned to the audience and found her grandmother on Copyright 2016 - 2024