The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,121

stopped to consider it.”

Megan put her hand on the back of her chair to help support her shaking legs. “He gave up his business for me.”

Blair scowled. “I know it looks that way, but you don’t know that.”

Megan shook her head. “No, Blair. I do. I know how desperately he wants to save his employees. He came on this trip for no other reason. And give me a break, there’s no way he could have arranged to sit beside me on that plane unless he hacked the airline. He said he left this trip up to fate, and sitting by me was definitely fate. He cares about me. I know it.” Her voice broke. “If he didn’t, he would have signed that document and gone with the sure thing.” She pressed her fingertips to her temple. “This morning he told me it was up to me if I wanted to move forward with the wedding . . . and with him. He wouldn’t do that if he didn’t want to be with me.” She looked up at her friend. “Tell me I’m wrong.”

Blair’s mouth twisted as she considered her words. “I admit that it confused me when he tore up the document. While I expected a halfhearted denial, I didn’t think he would act so offended.”

Megan lifted her chin. “Why was he so furious with Noah?”

Guilt washed over Blair’s face. “Noah had already signed the document. I caught him before the rehearsal.”

Megan sat in the chair, feeling even more lightheaded. “Oh, Blair. What have you done?” She glanced at Libby, who was sitting on the other side of the room, to gauge her reaction. There was a strange look on her friend’s face, and when she didn’t say a word, Megan narrowed her eyes. “You already knew. That’s what you talked to Noah about all night.”

Libby gave a tiny shrug. “He was upset. When he signed it, he had no idea that Josh was in love with you.”

Megan bolted out of her chair. “He’s what?”

Libby’s eyebrows rose. “You didn’t know he’s in love with you?”

“No . . .”

Blair snorted. “Hell, he told me himself last night when he tore up the paper. I didn’t buy it when he told me, thinking it was some way to outmaneuver me. But now I’m reconsidering, and I’m more cynical than the two of you put together. Supposing there are no other mitigating circumstances, what man gives up his family legacy for a woman he kind of likes?”

“Oh, God. I have to talk to him.” Megan bolted for the door, but Blair blocked her path.

“Wait. He stopped me when I was on my way in here.”

“What? He’s here?”

Blair rolled her eyes. “Of course he’s here. He said if you were still open to going through with this after I talked to you, he wanted me to give you something from him.”

“And you agreed?” Megan asked in shock.

Blair shrugged, looking irritated. “I have to admit, before I talked to him, I was convinced he was guilty as hell. But after I talked to him . . . I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I see some flaws in my theory.”

“What does that mean?” Libby prodded.

Blair scowled, looking aggrieved. “I may have been wrong.”

“What?” Libby teased. “The all-knowing Blair might have been wrong?”

Megan shook her head. “Get back to the present part.”

“It’s out in the hall. Like I said, he asked me to give it to you if you didn’t hate him after hearing my version of events.”

“And you agreed?”

She shrugged. “I’m not entirely cold-blooded, and like I said, there were some holes in my theory.” She left the room and came back with a white box that was almost as big as she was. “If I’d known it would be this hard to carry, I would have asked for a delivery fee.”

“What is it?” Megan asked, pushing makeup aside on the large table to make room for the box.

“No idea. I’m just the delivery person. Open it and find out.”

Megan’s hand shook as she tugged on the end of the giant white bow and pulled it loose. When she lifted off the lid, she gasped. “It’s my dress,” she whispered in shock.

“What dress?” Blair asked, peeking around her.

“Her original dress,” Libby gasped in awe. “But how? Knickers canceled the order.”

“They said it was too late to cancel it. So both were delivered to the store, but they wouldn’t exchange it.”

A card sat on top, which she pulled out to read.


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