The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,117

door across the room led to a bathroom. She sat in one of the wingback chairs and stared out a window, trying to let the peaceful setting settle her unrest.


She turned around to see Gram standing in the doorway. She looked older than usual in the Pepto-Bismol suit Knickers had chosen.

“Can I come in?”

Megan hopped out of her seat and crossed the room. “Gram. Of course. I’m glad you’re here.” She helped the older woman into the chair next to hers, and they sat together, taking in the view.

“It’s a beautiful day for your wedding,” Gram finally said.

“Isn’t it?” Megan sighed. The sun shone bright in the sky, and the temperature was comfortable in the shade, which would be perfect for the outdoor reception later. She almost wished it were for real.

Gram released a sigh. “I’m sorry I ruined everything for you. Your mother . . .”

Megan hugged her grandmother’s arm and leaned her head on her shoulder. “Good heavens, Gram, you didn’t ruin anything. Think of the stories we’ll tell.”

Gram chuckled. “Your mother will never let me live it down.”

“True,” Megan laughed. “And it will be awesome.”

“I know you two have your differences, but a girl should have her mother with her on her wedding day.”

“She’ll get here in time. I know it.”

The older woman fingered her pearls, then smoothed an imaginary wrinkle from her skirt. “There’s a reason your mother acts this way, you know.”

Megan sat up and turned to face the older woman, who patted her hand.

“I kept hoping she’d tell you herself one day, but she never did. She can hardly admit it to herself.” She swung her gaze to the gardens. “You wonder why you never saw your Aunt Heather again . . . I know your mother told you some ridiculous story about a fight over toilet paper.” Her mouth lifted into a weak smile.

Megan took her grandmother’s hand in her own, sensing what she had to tell her would be bigger than she ever anticipated.

“It wasn’t true, of course. Heather was always interested in your father, but he only had eyes for your mother. I hoped Heather would get over her infatuation, and I honestly thought it had died down. But one day when you were eleven, your mother came home and found your father and Heather together.”

“Together?” Megan asked in confusion. Then horrified understanding set in. “Oh, no.”

Gram nodded. “They were in your mother’s bed.” She took a deep breath and released it. “Your mother was devastated. She saw it as the ultimate betrayal. Her sister and her husband in her own bed. You and Kevin came and stayed with your grandpa and me for a week, remember?”

“Yeah . . .”

“That’s when it happened. Your mother didn’t take it well, as you can imagine. She and your father vowed to stay together, and your father was truly sorry. He did his best to make it up to her, giving her anything and everything she wanted. He still does. But Nicole was certain he’d cheated on her because she wasn’t enough. She’d always thought Heather was the prettier of the two of them. Since that day, she’s tried her best to be perfect, and she’s made herself and everyone around her miserable in the process.”

Megan closed her eyes, fighting back tears. “I can’t believe Daddy cheated on her.”

“He’s always sworn it was a one-time thing, and I believe him. Heather was a lot like your Libby.”

Megan started to protest, but Gram squeezed her hand. “No, Libby would never try to steal another woman’s husband, especially from someone she cares about. But Libby catches men’s attention without even trying.” She sighed. “Heather was like that, too. Only, she had no scruples. Bart wasn’t the first married man she went after, and I’m sure he wasn’t the last. As her mother, I tried to ignore it for many years. Until Nicole.” She was silent for a moment. “Heather had tried to snag your father since your mother first brought him home. I’m sure she just happened to catch him at a weak moment.” Her voice turned stern. “I’m in no way condoning what your father did, but I do believe he regretted it.”

“Yeah, because he was caught,” Megan said in disgust.

“Maybe. Maybe not. But he truly loves your mother.”

“Poor Mom.” She could sympathize with her mother after Jay’s betrayal. Now she wished she’d come clean weeks ago. Her mother would have probably understood. “And she really hasn’t spoken to Aunt Heather since?”

“No, and Heather died Copyright 2016 - 2024