The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,114

when Kevin stalked in from the kitchen, a coffee cup in his hand. He set it down on the end table next to the sofa.

“Did he threaten you?” he demanded of her, the veins on his neck bulging.

Megan released her hold on her mother and turned to look at Kevin. “What? No!”

“I don’t see what all the fuss is about,” Gram said, still crunching on her cereal. “So Megan wanted to have one last night as a single woman.” She grabbed another handful. “You can’t blame her for wanting wild, single sex.”

Knickers’ face turned beet-red. “Mother!”

“Gram,” Megan laughed. “I don’t think it counts if you’re having wild, single sex with the man you’re marrying.”

Kevin looked even angrier. “I do not want to hear about my little sister’s wild sex. Especially with that violent asshole.”

She shook her head. “Josh would never hurt me. His brother did something related to their business that he saw as a betrayal.”

“Their business?” he asked, incredulous. “I thought he was an investment banker. Does he own the freaking bank?”

Oh, crap.

Gram continued, oblivious to the change in topic. “I heard something on the news about how all you kids are into BS stuff because of that Fifty Shades of Steele book. I read it, you know.” She lifted her eyebrows at Megan, grabbing another handful of cereal. “Are you and Josh into whips and colored rooms?”

“Mother!” Knickers gasped in shock.

Megan began to laugh, despite her horror. She cast a glance at Kevin, who looked close to losing his breakfast. “It’s BDSM, not BS, although some people might call it that, too.” She tried to get serious. “You really don’t expect me to discuss my sex life with Josh in front of my mother, do you?”

Gram shoved some of the cereal into her mouth. “It might loosen her up. Maybe she and your father should try it.”

“Gram!” Kevin shouted.

She shrugged, reaching into the box again. “I’m just saying a little spice in the bedroom might loosen her up. Or she could put some of those contraptions in the basement. There’s room for a dungeon down there.”

Megan burst into laughter.

“Although I’m worried Bart might get carpal tunnel if he uses a whip.” Gram lifted up her hand and began to flick her wrist, mimicking the motion.

“Mother!” Knickers shouted.

Gram gave one last wave of her hand, and cereal went flying across the room, a piece of it hitting Knickers in the face.

“Oww!” she screamed, covering her face. “My eye.”

“Mom,” Megan groaned. “Don’t be so dramatic. It was a piece of cereal.”

“It was a piece of cereal that hit my eye.” She staggered past a chair as tears streamed down her cheek. “I need to wash it out.” But as she stumbled across the floor, her foot slid on a piece of loose cereal on the wood slats, and she knocked her shoulder into the kitchen doorjamb. Releasing a loud cry, she started to fall.

Kevin hurried over to her to keep her on her feet, but she cried out again.

“Mom?” Megan asked, running over to her. “Are you okay?”

But as soon as she reached her, she knew she wasn’t okay. Her shoulder was sticking out at a weird angle. “Dad!” she shouted, then looked up at Kevin. “Where’s Dad?”

Kevin’s eyes bugged out and his face turned pale. “I . . . I . . .”

Megan groaned. “Don’t you wimp out on me and pass out, Kevin. I haven’t forgotten what happened when we were kids and I needed stitches in my hand.”

“If you pass out, fall that way,” Gram said, waving her hand to show him where to fall. More cereal spread across the floor. “It would be better if your head hits the overstuffed chair than the coffee table.”

“Put that cereal away!” Kevin shouted, probably in an attempt to take attention off himself. “It’s a deadly weapon!”

“Nobody’s passing out,” Knickers said through gritted teeth. “And your father’s at the store getting me a pair of pantyhose.”

“No one wears pantyhose anymore, Mom,” Megan said as she led her mother to a chair.

“I wear pantyhose.”

“I rest my case. Kevin,” she said, turning to look at him once their mother was settled. “Call Dad. We have to take her to the hospital. I’d do it, but Josh has my car.”

Kevin looked livid. “You gave him your car?”

“He has to get to the church somehow. Besides, in ten hours or so, it’ll be his car, too.”

Kevin scowled at the reminder, then glanced at his mother and turned a shade of pale gray.

Megan’s mother tried Copyright 2016 - 2024