Weapons Master Galactic Gladia - Anna Hackett Page 0,8

see a shuttle landing in the courtyard. It was like no ship she’d ever seen on Earth.

“That’s our ride,” Quinn said.

As Bellamy headed toward the shuttle, she watched Mace and Jax send Zulnath’s people into the desert. She knew just how deadly Carthago’s deserts could be. They didn’t stand much of a chance.

Magnus was talking to a tall woman, clearly a worker. It appeared she was the newly appointed leader of this dusty outpost.

Bellamy didn’t care who was left in charge. She just wanted to get out of there.

“Here.” She handed the weapons to Maxon.

He took them with a grunt.

Jeez, the man was a total bear. “You’re welcome.”

Toren appeared and helped Maxon to his feet. They headed toward the shuttle.

Bellamy walked with Quinn and boarded. “Nice.”

The shuttle’s interior matched the sleek exterior. It had a plush, expensive feel, with wide seats, and high-tech cockpit.

Quinn nodded. “An ally, Rillian, owns it. The man has a gazillion credits, owns the glitziest casino in Kor Magna, and fills out a suit mighty fine. He’s mated with Dayna. She’s a former cop who was taken off a transport docking with the Fortuna. I’ll fill you in on all the humans who’ve been rescued on the trip back to Kor Magna.”

“Thanks again, Quinn.”

The woman touched Bellamy’s shoulder. “You’re safe now. We’re all making a life here, and you will too.”

Bellamy forced a smile, but inside, she felt jittery and uncertain.

Vossol and his Edull thugs were still out there, killing people in their fucking desert arena.

Bellamy might be safe, but she didn’t feel free.

Chapter Four

Her eyes snapped open, and Bellamy released a shaky breath.

The room wasn’t dark; she’d left the light on earlier. She’d been given a gorgeous bedroom at the House of Rone.

But despite the large, comfy bed behind her, she was sleeping on a rug on the floor. She sat up. She’d tried the bed, and loved the soft feel and the silky covers. But after months of sleeping on the ground, she hadn’t been able to fall asleep on the soft bed.

She knew that it was the middle of the night. That harsh time when it seemed like the whole world had fallen away and that she was all alone.

Bellamy had been welcomed at the House of Rone like a long-lost sister. The women, led by Ever, had welcomed her warmly. She’d been to Medical, and been checked over by the old, calm healer Avarn. She now had an implant to protect her from all kinds of diseases and pregnancy. Then, she’d been able to bathe, and rid herself of layers of dirt and grime. And now she had this room, filled with lovely clothes, and a belly full of good food.

She’d ended the day in Ever’s sitting room, holding a damn heavy cyborg cat that had jumped into her lap, and eating amazing treats that Calla, a rescued alien woman, had baked for her.

Every woman had shared their incredible story. Each one had been through so much, snatched away from everything they’d known.

She’d watched Ever and Magnus’ little girl, Asha, crawl around. She’d listened to the women’s laughter, seen their happiness and joy. They’d moved on from their hurt and pain, and they’d embraced life.

Bellamy scrubbed her face with her hands. It had all been too much. She’d eventually told them that she was tired, and she’d been ushered to this beautiful room.

She looked out of the windows, and caught a glimpse of the Kor Magna Arena and the skyscrapers of the District beyond it. The arena’s old cream stone was such a contrast to the glass-and-metal buildings behind it.

She was definitely not on Earth anymore. A hollow feeling cut through her. There was no way back to her own planet. That was okay. She’d easily come to terms with that, because there was nothing for her to go back for. Her gram was dead, and the rest of her family had left her a long time ago.

She was free, but some part of her inside continued to twist and scream. It was angry and poisonous, and it wanted to tear the Edull apart and set them on fire.

“You just need time, Bellamy,” she murmured.

God, she’d just been rescued. She needed time to adjust to everything.

But looking out the window, the pressure inside her grew until she thought she’d shatter. She rose and opened the door. Her throat was tight, like a scream was trapped inside.

She wandered the stone halls, conscious that she was barefoot, and only wearing a sleep shirt. Everyone

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