Weapons Master Galactic Gladia - Anna Hackett Page 0,6

a roar, Maxon grabbed the alien and yanked him off her.

As the being tumbled through the dirt, Maxon raised his weapon and fired. The alien slumped on the sand.

Turning, he held a hand out to Bellamy. She put her small hand in his and he pulled her up. The tiny piece of fabric she was wearing shifted, and he saw smooth skin and elegant tattoos on her belly.

Despite the circumstances, Maxon was shocked to feel blood pool in his groin and his cock harden.

Drak. Ignoring his body’s response, he asked, “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “You came.”

Before he could respond, pain speared through his shoulder.

Bellamy shouted and Maxon looked down. A metal tip protruded through his shoulder, sending blood streaming down his chest.

He reached behind him, and felt the spear protruding out of his back. Turning, he lifted his weapon and fired on the man who’d thrown the spear. The attacker clutched his neck and faceplanted in the sand.

Then pain crashed in on Maxon and he went down on one knee, breathing heavily. His systems kicked in, trying to stem the bleeding and pain.

“God.” Bellamy crouched, concern on her face.

“Pull it out,” he said between gritted teeth.

She nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. She circled out of his view and a second later, she yanked the spear out of his skin. No hesitation, no uncertainty.

Drakking hell. He groaned and fought to stay conscious. Pain ripped through every cell in his body. His cyborg systems worked hard to block the agony.

She came back into view and he saw her stiffen. “Watch out!”

A blue-skinned man rushed at them. He matched the description of Zulnath.

The sandsucker grabbed Bellamy, and she struggled against the man’s hold.

Fighting the black blotches dancing in his vision, Maxon scanned for Magnus and the others.

They were all busy fighting.

Dredging up some strength, Maxon pushed up. But suddenly, two men grabbed his arms on either side, the jolt sending more pain through his battered body.

They dragged him through the sand, while Zulnath towed a struggling Bellamy, around one of the burning buildings.

“You’ve caused me a lot of problems, Earth woman,” Zulnath snarled.

Bellamy snarled back. “Boohoo.”

The crime lord’s face twisted. “I’ve had enough of you.” Zulnath pulled a large blade out of a sheath on his belt. The dagger was shiny like a mirror, and sunlight reflected off it.

It was made of flaza. The substance could be honed to the sharpest edge.

No! Maxon shoved at the men holding him. They both tumbled into the dirt. Then using the last of his strength, he jumped into the air, reaching over his shoulder for the vibrasword strapped to his back.

He yanked it out. It lit up, vibrating under his palms. He slashed it down.

Zulnath screamed. The blade carved through the man’s body, and as he went down, Maxon twisted. He stabbed the crime lord through the chest.

Landing back on his feet, Maxon staggered, the pain now excruciating. Bellamy jumped up, and then her arms clamped around him, holding him upright.

Her hand wrapped around his on the hilt of the sword and together, they pushed it deeper.

Green blood bubbled from Zulnath’s mouth. He made a choked noise and collapsed on the sand.

Maxon and Bellamy pulled the sword free and then they both fell backward onto the ground.

“God.” She scrambled up and touched his bleeding shoulder.

Her face was streaked with blood and soot. Her short hair showcased the long, almost delicate line of her neck. So elegant, for such a tough spitfire of a woman.

“There’s so much damn blood.” Worry and panic coated her voice.

Maxon stilled. When was the last time anyone had truly worried about him? “My internal systems have slowed the bleeding.”

Green eyes, like the fields of grass on the homeworld he barely remembered, met his. “Okay, that’s good. You’ll be all right?”

He gave her a quick nod.

Her hand moved, stroking his skin, sending shockwaves of sensation through him.

Maxon gritted his teeth. He didn’t like being touched, and he definitely didn’t like this out-of-control, shocking emotion that went with it.

He drew back and her hand dropped. She blinked, her fingers curling.

“Maxon.” Magnus’ shout.

“Over here,” Maxon replied gruffly.

The House of Rone cyborgs appeared.

“Bellamy.” Quinn engulfed the woman in a hug, blocking her from Maxon’s view.

Good. He needed the distance. He wanted these out-of-control urges gone.

She was safe, and now he could get back to his drakking work.

Bellamy absorbed Quinn’s hug, tears pricking her eyes.

Damn. She did not cry. Ever. She hadn’t shed one tear through all this ordeal. She hadn’t cried since she was

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