Weapons Master Galactic Gladia - Anna Hackett Page 0,52

The crumpled remains were deep in the hole dug beneath the arena.

“Damn, I know I should be all enlightened, and above this, but revenge feels pretty awesome.”

He smiled at her and she grinned back.

“I love that you like my bloodthirsty tendencies.” She lowered her voice. “I’m bummed that we’re surrounded by people, and a bunch of kids, because I want to crawl into your lap and—”

“Bellamy.” His body was reacting to her words. “After things settle down…you might feel differently.”

“I might stop wanting that sexy body of yours? I might stop liking making you growl?” She rubbed her thumb across his lips. “I really like seeing you smile. I don’t know much about love either, Maxon. I know I’ve never felt like this about anyone else.” She leaned in. “I’m scared that you’ll break my heart too.”

He cupped the back of her neck. “I’ve never felt like this, either, and I’ll never hurt you. No one will ever hurt you again.”

He’d be her protector, and he’d wield all the weapons he made to keep her safe.

“It’s worth the risk, Ace. I’m going to show you every day that it’s you and me.”

When she kissed him this time, it was softer, sweeter. Maxon felt it deep in his chest. He’d do that too. Prove to her that he could care for her.

Magnus and Jax moved through the shuttle, talking with some of the survivors. They reached Bellamy and Maxon, shifting to sit on some of the seats.

“Well done,” the imperator said.

Bellamy leaned into Maxon and sighed happily. “We’re a pretty good team.”

“The battle arena is completely destroyed,” Magnus said. “The remaining Edull leadership have fled Bari Batu.”

Maxon scowled. He didn’t like the idea of any of those crudspawn getting away. “That leaves a power vacuum.”

“Galen and his gladiators will ensure new leadership. The battle arena will be buried, and the House of Rone will ensure all prisoners are returned home, or settled wherever they want to go.”

Bellamy grabbed Magnus’ forearm. “Thank you, Magnus. To all the House of Rone. You’ve fought for all of us taken from Earth, and all of the prisoners. And you never gave up.” She looked at Maxon. “You’re all heroes.”

Maxon scowled. He didn’t need to be a hero. “We were just doing what was right.” He looked at Magnus. “Rhain?”

“The overlord is with Galen. He wants to see this through before he returns to his own world, despite the fact that he has ongoing dangers to his planet to deal with.”

“He helped save us,” Bellamy said.

“And if he ever needs our help, he has it.” Magnus rose. “We’ll be home soon.”

“Home.” She snuggled into Maxon. “I’ve never really had a home before.”

He kissed the top of her head. “You do, now.”

Chapter Twenty

Back at the House of Rone, Bellamy just wanted to curl up with Maxon. She wanted him to whisk her away.

But she needed to help. The rescued kids were tired and traumatized.

“I need to help get them settled,” she said.

His gold gaze scanned the ragtag bunch milling in the entry of the House of Rone, and he nodded.

She ran her hand along his jaw, and gave him a quick kiss. Then he headed up to his workshop.

Bellamy worked alongside Ever and Avarn. The medical team was busy checking the kids over, and Ever was herding some off for baths and changes of clothes.

So many were still in shock, almost comatose.

Bellamy talked, hugged, held trembling hands. She wanted to kill the Edull all over again.

Suddenly, a couple burst through the front doors of the House of Rone. A little girl leaped up and cried out. The man and woman ran to the girl and engulfed her in their arms. All three were crying.

Bellamy felt the sting of tears. Damn. These were happy tears. She swiped them away. Even she was a sucker for a happy ending.

Then she spotted Zan sitting on the floor, hope and fear on his face.

“Hey.” She dropped down beside him. “How are you doing?”

“My brother—?”

“Will be here soon.” She noticed the way that he couldn’t sit still, his eyes shifting around. “You’re safe now.”

The teenager grunted. God, a Maxon in training. “I mean it. Give yourself some time to adjust. I’m still working on it.”

Zan cocked his head. “Really?”

“Yeah. I’ve had nightmares. You can’t expect to snap your fingers and feel normal again instantly.”

“I guess.”

“Want a hug?”

Emotions flitted over the boy’s face. He was at that age where it probably wasn’t cool to get hugs.

“I won’t tell anyone,” she said.

He gave her

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