Weapons Master Galactic Gladia - Anna Hackett Page 0,42

make me think that you aren’t really grumpy and that you’re secretly sweet.”

He snorted, and that made her smile.

Soon, they reached the entrance of the battle arena. Slaves, overseen by Edull guards, were directing guests and taking tarnids to pens.

Overlord Sarkany stood in the center of their group—tall and imposing. They closed in around him. Bellamy was too short for a guard, so she was dressed as a retainer.

Still, Maxon kept her close.

They moved through the arched doorway, and Maxon spotted lines of Edull guards. He sensed Bellamy stiffen.

“Easy,” he murmured.

Rhain’s group was waved inside.

As soon as they entered, Maxon heard the roar of the engines and the din of the crowd. Inside, the seats were filling up. His gaze went straight to the bots on the track.

Bellamy’s jaw looked like rock. He saw the echo of old nightmares in her eyes.

“Warm-up races.” She dragged in a breath. “Let’s do this.”

They followed Rhain to a private box with a clear view of the track and plush seats. Bellamy gripped the railing, her gaze glued to the warm-up races.

Drak, Maxon hated this place.

The cyborgs clustered together.

“Okay, we need to get to the slaves’ cells and free the prisoners,” Jax said.

“Quickest way down is that tunnel over there.” Bellamy nodded her head to a tunnel entrance in the stands. “It’ll take you right down there.”

Jax nodded. “The other job is to find the mag-tech. Once the slaves are free, and we scare the spectators out, we’ll blow the mag-tech and bring the arena down.”

“Fuck, yeah,” Bellamy whispered.

“Seren and I will free the slaves,” Jax ordered. “Bellamy, Maxon, and Zaden, find the mag-tech.”

Maxon nodded. “We have the proposed location that Zhim’s supplier suggested.”

“One level down, close to the maintenance workshops.” Bellamy lifted her chin. “I can lead us there.”

“I wish you good luck,” Rhain said. “If you need assistance, just let me know.”

“Stay here,” Jax said. “If you go missing, the Edull will know something is amiss.”

The king nodded. “I do dislike missing out on a fight. Go. Do what needs to be done.”

Jax and Seren left first. Bellamy and Maxon stood at the railing, discreetly watching the pair move through the crowd. They disappeared into the tunnel.

“Ready?” Maxon asked.

Bellamy nodded, her eyes lighting up.

Beside her, Zaden’s face was serious, and he gave a single nod.

“We need to take the main stairs down one level,” she said. “Below is a recreation area, and from there we can move into the tunnels to the workshops.”

“Let’s move,” Maxon said.

They walked through the crowd, and passed several Edull guards, who barely paid any attention to them.

They moved down the stairs.

The level below was a food area, with bars and stalls, and groups of people milling around. They were all having a great time.

“Assholes,” Bellamy whispered.

Then Maxon heard raised voices.

They all turned and saw a group of Edull storming across the space. Bellamy froze.

Maxon saw her glaring at one particular Edull, who was clearly in charge. He wore a red mask over his face, and was surrounded by others, who were trying to keep up with him.

The Edull glanced their way.

Maxon felt a tremor go through Bellamy—like she was holding herself back from attacking the alien.

A part of him wanted to pull her closer and wrap an arm around her, but he had to keep up their disguise.

“Look away,” he whispered.

She glanced down and the Edull swept past them.

“Bellamy? Who is he?”

“The asshole in charge. Vossol.”

Maxon stifled a curse. Vossol was the one who’d sentenced her to death at the Meridian Outpost. Maxon swiveled, reaching for a weapon. He was going to kill the crudspawn.

“Hey.” Bellamy gripped his arms. “Stand down.”

“He hurt you. Tried to kill you.”

“And failed. Hold it together.” She cupped his jaw. “Stay with me.”

Maxon shuddered, struggling for some control.

“Okay?” she whispered.

He nodded. “Let’s go ruin his night.”

“I like your thinking, Ace.”

Chapter Sixteen

Seeing Vossol had ignited an even fiercer need in Bellamy to see this done.

She listened to the roar of the bots above. Soon, the real races would start. That meant they had to hurry.

They stepped into the maintenance area. She led Maxon and Zaden through to the main workshop.

Inside, several prisoners were working on bots. Bellamy had spent a lot of time down here. Parts of bots, both new and recycled, were piled all around the room. Many were damaged—bent, twisted, dented.

There were no Edull in sight.

Bellamy hurried over, and recognized a nearby prisoner welding pieces of metal together.


The man frowned and shoved up the goggles covering his face. His eyes widened.

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