Weapons Master Galactic Gladia - Anna Hackett Page 0,40

as she stood in the large room. Maxon told her this airy, spacious hall was where they met groups of clients.

Galen and his king friend were due.

It was not every day a mechanic from Earth met a galactic king. She stood there flanked by Maxon and Magnus wondering if people curtsied on Carthago. Shit, she didn’t even know how to curtsey.

The doors opened and Galen entered first, looking as badass as always. A man followed behind him, and the air clogged in her lungs.

Oh, wow.

When they’d said king, she’d pictured an elegant, aristocratic man in royal robes and a crown.

This man was nothing like that.

He was big—several inches taller than Galen. His powerful torso was wrapped in metal armor, with a bronze medallion resting right in the center of his chest. His massive biceps were bare, his strong forearms covered by metal gauntlets. Blood-red fabric was tied to a metallic belt at his waist, and his powerful legs were clad in dark leather. She noted the hilts of two swords peeking over his shoulders, so they were obviously strapped to his back. His face made as much impact as his body. Shaggy, black hair framed a face that was rugged and more than a little dangerous, and stubble covered a strong jaw. She had no trouble imagining this man running into a fight, leading his horde of barbarian warriors into battle.

This man was a warrior king.

“I’d like to introduce Overlord Rhain Zhalto Sarkany,” Galen said.

“Good to meet you.” Magnus inclined his head. “We’re grateful for your assistance.”

Overlord Sarkany nodded. “Galen explained the situation.” The king had a deep voice that held a bit of grit and a lot of command. His strong jaw hardened. “I’ve met plenty of species like the Edull. Whatever I can do to help you bring them down, I will.”

“Thank you, Overlord Sarkany,” Bellamy said.

The king’s silver-gray gaze moved to her, and the weight of it made her want to look away. This was a man with power and authority bred into his bones.

“The Edull held me captive,” she said. “I’ve seen the horrors of the battle arena up close.”

The man nodded. “I see you’re dedicated to getting your justice. I’ll do my bit to help. I understand the need to fight for what you believe in. Please, I’d be happy for you to call me Rhain.”

Maxon moved closer to her, his big body brushing hers.

Hmm, someone was a little jealous.

The overlord’s lips twitched. “I see your man is dedicated as well.” Rhain turned back to Magnus. “I have an invitation to the race, and it’s expected that I’ll take an entourage. I can slip five of your people in.”

“I’m too recognizable,” Magnus said. “As are many of my cyborgs with obvious enhancements. Bellamy has to come, as she knows the arena best. In addition to that, Maxon, and my second, Jax will come with you. And two of my lesser-known and newer elites, Zaden and Seren.”

“Very well.” Rhain swept them all with a stormy gaze. “We leave in two hours.”

“Magnus,” Galen said. “I’ll have a team on standby close to the arena. Just in case.”

Magnus nodded back. “I’ll supplement your team with my cyborgs. And myself.”

Galen nodded, and the king raised a hand. “In two hours, then.” Rhain turned and swept from the room, Galen in tow.

“The Edull are going down.” Bellamy felt a vicious satisfaction through her belly.

“Bellamy, you’re too noticeable, and too recognizable,” Magnus said. “You’ll need a disguise.”

She nodded at the imperator.

“Go and see Avarn. He can help.”


As she headed out of the room, Maxon was on her heels. He was quiet, and she could tell he was troubled.

She turned to face him and pressed a hand to his chest. “Okay?”

He shook his head and pulled her close. “I don’t want you anywhere near the Edull.”

God, this man cared about her so damn much. “I know. We do this, we destroy them, and the battle arena, then they are out of our lives forever.” She rubbed against him. “After that, I plan to spend a lot of time working on new designs in your workshop.”

He grunted.

“Fair warning, I’m going to rearrange your tools.”

“No, you’re not.”

“I am.”

That earned her a growl that made her smile.

“And I’m planning on lots of wild sex with you.” She patted his chest. “So be ready, with that cyborg stamina of yours.”


She kissed him. “We’ll get through this, Maxon. Together.”

She left him—a scowl firmly in place on his face—with a wave and headed to Medical. Avarn helped her

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