Weapons Master Galactic Gladia - Anna Hackett Page 0,38

you in a week,” Desmon said.

“That’s fast,” Maxon replied.

Desmon smiled. “Anything for your lovely Bellamy, and anything for you, my friend.”

Maxon nodded. “Thanks, Desmon.”

“Bring your girl back with you when you come to pick them up. Goes without saying that I am very happy for you, Maxon.”

Bellamy grabbed Maxon’s hand, smiling as they walked out. Her man was getting her some cool tools, he was smiling, and soon, the Edull would be gone. Then they could get on with life.

They headed out of Desmon’s store.

“When we get back, let’s do some work on that crossbow,” she said. “I have an idea and I want you to—”

Maxon stopped moving, his body going still, his face blank. He was staring over her shoulder.

Frowning, Bellamy turned.

A couple had just exited the jewelry store. The woman was holding up one thin arm, admiring some sparkly rings on her fingers. The man had stopped and was staring at Maxon. Then the woman lifted her head and her perfectly painted mouth dropped open.

Bellamy felt a chill sweep through her—harsh and unpleasant.

The man was a few inches shorter than Maxon. His face was bloated and flushed—from too many years spent imbibing. Bellamy knew the look as she’d seen it on her mother’s face. He was…soft. His cheeks were rounded and he was carrying extra weight around his middle. But there was no mistaking that beneath all that, he had similar facial features to Maxon.

Oh, God. Bellamy’s stomach tied itself in a knot and she made herself look at the woman. This had to be Silva. The woman Maxon was once going to marry. She had a cloud of blonde hair, and was tall and slender, like a model. She wore a slip of a dress with a pale pink, iridescent sheen.

“Maxon,” the woman breathed. She looked like she’d seen a ghost. Her gaze ran over Maxon, something hungry igniting as she took him in.

Bellamy felt his fingers convulse on hers, and now she felt something really unpleasant crawl over her.

No. These people shouldn’t even be breathing the same air as him. He was magnificent and they were nothing.

She shifted in front of him, glaring at them. Silva blinked, like she’d only just noticed Bellamy.

“Keep walking,” Bellamy snapped. “Weapons Master Maxon of the House of Rone has no business with you.”

Acton and Zaden stepped forward to flank them, offering silent support. Silva and Maxon’s brother took them both in.

Silva licked her lips, and Erix frowned.

“You shouldn’t even get to see how amazing he is,” Bellamy said. “Crawl back to your meaningless existence, and know you’ll never be as good as he is.”

Erix shifted, the red of his face deepening.

Silva straightened, tossing her hair back. “You can’t talk to us like that—”

“I can do whatever the hell I want. You abandoned him. And despite all of that, he made himself into something amazing.”

Silva’s gaze drifted back to Maxon and she took a step forward.

“Don’t look at him.” Bellamy held up a hand. “Come any closer and I’ll tear your hair out.”

An arm snaked around her waist, tugging her back against a hard body. “Stand down, warrior.” His breath brushed her ear.

“No. I’m going to beat them up, and then I’m—”

Without saying a word, Maxon half carried her out onto the street.

Bellamy realized her chest was heaving. She pulled away from him. “How can you just walk away?”

“Because they don’t matter.”

She blinked. “They ripped your life apart. Abandoned you and made you feel less.”

“And I’m realizing that I’m over that.” He cupped her face. “They aren’t happy. They’re the same empty people they always were, searching to plug the holes inside them with parties, drugs, things. If I’d stayed with my family, I’d be just like them.”

She gripped his wrists. “They hurt you.”

“And you know better than anyone that we use those hurts to fuel us to move on. I took a little longer to work that out, but seeing you deal with everything you’ve been through made me realize I could let the last of the poison go. I have so much more than them. Right now, I’m realizing just how much.”

“Maxon,” she breathed.

“They. Don’t. Matter. They’re my past.” He lowered his head and ran his nose along hers. “I want to kiss you so badly. Stepping in to protect me like a warrior.”

“So kiss me.”

“Not here, because once I start, I might not stop.”

Ignoring that, Bellamy jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist. She kissed him. It was long, deep, and amazing.

“They never deserved you,” she

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