Weapons Master Galactic Gladia - Anna Hackett Page 0,35

had drunken sex?”

His heart kicked. “No.”

She licked her lips and he couldn’t look away.

“You’ll like it.” She winked at him. “Promise.”

It looked like Maxon was going to dinner.

Chapter Thirteen

Bellamy sipped her drink and smiled.

She was happy. Damn happy.

She stared around the huge table, everyone around her eating and talking and drinking.

It had been so long since she’d been happy, even well before her abduction. Feminine laughter—wild and bold—made her glance down the table. Mina and Ryan were cackling over something. The House of Rone women were all laughing as well.

The cyborgs were sitting back, faintly bemused, but smiling at their women.

Maxon touched her leg and she looked up. He was sitting beside her and talking with Mina’s man—Tannon. Tannon gave Maxon a run for his money with his serious face. The pair were talking weapons. Surprise, surprise.

The table groaned under plates and trays of food. Zaden’s woman, Calla, had outdone herself. The pretty, dark-haired woman kept popping in with more dishes—flushed and happy that everyone was enjoying her food.

Each time she appeared, Zaden caught her and gave her a kiss, which made her even more flushed. The pair was so freaking cute together.

Bellamy looked at Maxon. Sensing her gaze, he shot her a scorching look. She felt it all the way through to her lady parts. Yes, she was so freaking happy.

Then she bit her lip and lifted her drink. She’d learned not to trust being happy. Life loved throwing her curveballs—crappy ones.

Quinn leaned over from across the table. “OMG, Maxon is hot when he isn’t looking like he wants to punch someone.”

“Mine,” Bellamy murmured.

“I have my own hunky cyborg.” Quinn grinned. “And I can see he’s very much yours. The way he watches you.” The woman shivered.

“It’s new. I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing.” It was so intense. Was it too much, too soon?

Quinn grabbed her hand. “We’ve all been there. Go with your gut. Trust your heart.”

Bellamy laughed darkly. “My heart has led me astray before.” Lenny the abusive dick had taught her a painful lesson.

“Bellamy, you survived the Edull, believe me, you can trust yourself.”

She’d need to think about it. “Damn glad we made it, Quinn.” She scanned the table. “All of us.”

Quinn smiled. “Me, too. It’ll be even better when the Edull are crawling in a gutter, somewhere.”

“Hell, yeah.” Bellamy lifted her drink to that.

Then she glanced down the table. Magnus sat at the head, talking with Zhim. Baby Asha was fast asleep and nestled safely in his arms.

“God, any man looks totally hot holding a sleeping baby. Extra points when he’s a cyborg.”

Quinn snorted. “I’m pretty sure Magnus looks hot with or without the baby.”

A second later, Magnus stood. “I’m glad everyone’s enjoyed the evening. Calla, thank you for the food.” The alien woman was sitting on the arm of Zaden’s chair, and she blushed deeply.

“Now, to more serious matters.” Ever appeared by her mate’s side and took the sleeping baby from his arms. “We all know things aren’t over until we put a stop to the Edull’s activities.”

“Until the battle arena is destroyed,” Bellamy said.

Under the table, Maxon took her hand, squeezed her fingers.

Magnus nodded. “Yes. Galen’s ally has confirmed that he secured an invite to the upcoming race.”

Bellamy’s pulse kicked up a notch. This was it. Finally.

“He’ll take a small team of our people in disguise as part of his entourage.”

Yes. She squeezed Maxon’s hand. She’d have a chance to make the Edull pay.

“And Zhim has news,” Magnus continued.

The information merchant stood. He was dressed in all black, and he worked it. With his long hair brushing his shoulders, the look totally suited him.

“I found a supplier of the mag-tech. He’s off-world, but he talked for a price.”

Ryan snorted. “He talked because you threatened to hack his ship and shut down all his power systems.”

Zhim smiled. “Perhaps.”

“It was hot, info boy.” Ryan winked.

Zhim dragged his gaze away from his mate. “The supplier contributed some parts of the mag-tech to the Edull.”

Bellamy straightened. “Did he have information we can use?”

“Yes. I’ll send it through. It may give you some ideas on the tech’s location, and how to destroy it.”

Maybe she could find a way to destroy that hellish prison once and for all. She smiled at Maxon.

He stroked her jaw. “I’ll help you.”

“Thank you.”

Dinner wound down, and the guests left. Bellamy found herself back in Maxon’s workshop, but she was too wired to sleep.

“I want to look at the data. There has to be a way to destroy the mag-tech—”

Maxon wrapped his arms

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