Weapons Master Galactic Gladia - Anna Hackett Page 0,27

other side of Bellamy’s. Both vehicles fell back.

Bellamy’s transport kept pace with the assassin’s, her head visible through the roof.

The assassin twisted, the green fabric of her dress flapping in the wind, showing her toned legs. She bunched those legs up and kicked at him. Hard.

Maxon slid across the slick roof. He gritted his teeth, clinging hard. His head dipped down, the ground whizzing past near his eyes.

Then he felt a stab of pain in his left thigh and he roared. She’d stabbed him.

“Maxon!” Bellamy screamed.

Hearing her voice gave him strength. He had to save her. He blocked the pain and then pulled himself up, just in time to see Bellamy launch herself off her transport.

Fear tried to strangle him. Drakking stubborn, brave Earth women.

She landed on the assassin and the two women slid across the roof of the transport. Bellamy got on top of the assassin, punching the taller killer with brutal hits.

“Bitch!” Bellamy growled. “You don’t get to hurt my man.”

Punch. Punch. Punch.

The assassin’s head lolled. But the woman suddenly shoved Bellamy off her. Both women rose, balancing precariously on the moving transport.

“Bellamy.” He climbed toward her. If she fell…

Bellamy launched herself at the assassin. She dodged the woman’s punch and kicked her. With a scream, the assassin fell off the transport, her arms flailing.

She hit the road, then tumbled under another transport.

Bellamy crouched and met his gaze. She grinned.

Drak, she was so damn wild and gorgeous.

Suddenly, the transport went crazy and out of control. It started zigging and zagging across the road.

Maxon clung harder, while Bellamy lost her balance.


They sideswiped another transport. He saw Bellamy start to fall.

Maxon pushed himself up and ran two steps across the roof.

With a curse, Bellamy fell off the side of the transport, and Maxon jumped.

Using all his cyborg strength, he sailed through the air. He hit her midair, curling his body around her.

Then he turned so he hit the ground first.

They hit the ground with a bone-jarring jolt, but Maxon had absorbed most of the fall.

Bellamy swiveled. “Are you okay?”

He rose to a sitting position and nodded. “You?” His gold eyes were intense.

“Yes, because you saved my ass.” She cupped his cheeks. “And that tool you gave me helped me escape.” She kissed him.

He clamped her to him, his hold hard, and kissed her back.

That’s when she felt something wet. Blood.

“My God.” She glanced down. “You’re bleeding.”

“The assassin stabbed me.” He touched the wound on his thigh. “It’s not critical. My systems are already stemming the bleeding, and it’s healing.”

“Bleeding for me again,” she said quietly.

The damn Edull. They hurt too many people.

“Hey.” He lifted her chin. “It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not. The Edull won’t stop until I’m dead.”

Maxon’s rugged face hardened. “Unless we kill them first.”

Transports pulled up beside them, and Magnus climbed out of the closest one. Jax and Mace exited the other.

“You’re both all right?” the imperator asked.

Maxon rose, pulling Bellamy up with him. “We’re fine. The assassin is dead, so you can’t question her.”

They all turned to look at the smoking, crumpled remains of the assassin’s original transport.

“But we can see if she left anything,” Bellamy said. “There might be data on the transport computer.”

They all leaned over the twisted lump of metal. Bellamy’s stomach did a sickening turn. If she and Maxon hadn’t gotten off it in time…

She shook her head. There was no point torturing herself with what-ifs. They were alive.

She dug around inside the cockpit of the transport.

“In the center, there,” Maxon said. “Press down on that screen.”

She touched the screen. It was badly cracked. She thumped a fist against it, and a small compartment opened. Something came out, and she saw it was some sort of data chip. She grabbed it and turned. “It’s intact.”

Magnus held out his cybernetic hand and she placed it on his palm. The imperator inserted the chip into a small opening on his cybernetic arm. One of his eyes glowed a bright neon-blue, then he frowned. “There’s not much here.”

Maxon grunted. “Any decent assassin wouldn’t keep important data unsecured.”

“There are coordinates in here. A location in the city.”

“Maybe it’s where she was taking me?” Bellamy put her hands on her hips. “Maybe there are Edull there?”

“Let’s check it out,” Maxon said.

Magnus nodded and they moved back to the transports. Bellamy had to sit in Maxon’s lap, but he was holding her close, stroking her arm. She couldn’t say she didn’t like it. It was like he didn’t want to let her out of his sight.

She had to admit, she

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