The Way of Kings - By Brandon Sanderson Page 0,400

the Nightwatcher.

“‘And so, does the destination matter? Or is it the path we take? I declare that no accomplishment has substance nearly as great as the road used to achieve it. We are not creatures of destinations. It is the journey that shapes us. Our callused feet, our backs strong from carrying the weight of our travels, our eyes open with the fresh delight of experiences lived.

“‘In the end, I must proclaim that no good can be achieved of false means. For the substance of our existence is not in the achievement, but in the method. The Monarch must understand this; he must not become so focused on what he wishes to accomplish that he diverts his gaze from the path he must take to arrive there.’”

Dalinar sat back. The rock beneath them had been cushioned and augmented with wooden armrests and back supports. The duel ended with one of the lighteyes—wearing green, as he was subject to Sadeas—scoring a hit on the breastplate of the other, leaving a long white mark. Elhokar clapped his approval, gauntleted hands clanking, and both duelists bowed. The winner’s victory would be recorded by the women sitting in the judging seats. They also held the books of dueling code, and would adjudicate disputes or infractions.

“That is the end of your story, I presume,” Sadeas said, as the next two duelists walked out onto the sand.

“It is,” Dalinar said.

“And you have that entire passage memorized?”

“I likely got a few of the words wrong.”

“Knowing you, that means you might have forgotten a single ‘an’ or ‘the.’”

Dalinar frowned.

“Oh, don’t be so stiff, old friend,” Sadeas said. “That was a compliment. Of sorts.”

“What did you think of the story?” Dalinar asked as the dueling resumed.

“It was ridiculous,” Sadeas said frankly, waving for a servant to bring him some wine. Yellow, as it was yet morning. “He walked all that distance just to make the point that kings should consider the consequences of their commands?”

“It wasn’t just to prove the point,” Dalinar said. “I thought that myself, but I’ve begun to see. He walked because he wanted to experience the things his people did. He used it as a metaphor, but I think he really wanted to know what it was like to walk that far.”

Sadeas took a sip of his wine, then squinted up at the sun. “Couldn’t we get an awning or something set up out here?”

“I like the sun,” Elhokar said. “I spend too much time locked away in those caves we call buildings.”

Sadeas glanced at Dalinar, rolling his eyes.

“Much of The Way of Kings is organized like that passage I quoted you,” Dalinar said. “A metaphor from Nohadon’s life—a real event turned into an example. He calls them the forty parables.”

“Are they all so ridiculous?”

“I think this one is beautiful,” Dalinar said softly.

“I don’t doubt that you do. You always have loved sentimental stories.” He raised a hand. “That was also intended to be a compliment.”

“Of sorts?”

“Exactly. Dalinar, my friend, you always have been emotional. It makes you genuine. It can also get in the way of levelheaded thinking—but so long as it continues to prompt you to save my life, I think I can live with it.” He scratched his chin. “I suppose, by definition, I would have to, wouldn’t I?”

“I guess.”

“The other highprinces think you are self-righteous. Surely you can see why.”

“I…” What could he say? “I don’t mean to be.”

“Well, you do provoke them. Take, for example, the way you refuse to rise to their arguments or insults.”

“Protesting simply draws attention to the issue,” Dalinar said. “The finest defense of character is correct action. Acquaint yourself with virtue, and you can expect proper treatment from those around you.”

“You see, there,” Sadeas said. “Who talks like that?”

“Dalinar does,” Elhokar said, though he was still watching the dueling. “My father used to.”

“Precisely,” Sadeas said. “Dalinar, friend, the others simply cannot accept that the things you say are serious. They assume it must be an act.”

“And you? What do you think of me?”

“I can see the truth.”

“Which is?”

“That you are a self-righteous prude,” Sadeas said lightly. “But you come by it honestly.”

“I’m certain you mean that to be a compliment too.”

“Actually, this time I’m just trying to annoy you.” Sadeas raised his cup of wine to Dalinar.

To the side, Elhokar grinned. “Sadeas. That was quite nearly clever. Shall I have to name you the new Wit?”

“What happened to the old one?” Sadeas’s voice was curious, even eager, as if hoping to hear that tragedy had Copyright 2016 - 2024