Water's Wrath - Elise Kova Page 0,87

gave a smirk.

Vhalla kept her mouth from falling agape at how lightly he was mentioning his brother, given Baldair’s state.

“I certainly do.” The minister nodded, his body language clearly conveying that he knew there was much more beneath the surface. “We’ll speak again soon, Vhalla.”

“Please follow me, Lady Yarl.” Aldrik put on a stiff and formal front. If she didn’t know better, she would’ve thought he had no feelings toward her whatsoever.

Aldrik stepped out first. As he closed the door behind her, she caught a glimpse of the minister. He stood leaning against the back counter, stroking his goatee, a knowing grin on his mouth. Vhalla shook him from her mind, focusing on what was important.

“Baldair?” she asked softly, taking two hasty steps for every one of Aldrik’s long strides.

“I did not lie.” Aldrik looked forward and kept his voice low. “He has requested to see you.”

“What does that mean?”

“Where on the list would you like me to start?” Aldrik muttered. She shot him a look that caused him to sigh. She stopped at the usual door, but Aldrik shook his head. “Not there.”

“Then?” Vhalla asked as he continued down a bit more.

“Here.” Aldrik opened an unlocked and unmarked door, and they were plunged into one of the many secret passageways that led in and out of the Tower. “You are coming formally, not through the back door.”

Vhalla grabbed his hand. Aldrik stopped instantly at her touch. “You still haven’t told me what that means.”

“It means my father and Baldair’s mother know you are on your way.” Vhalla didn’t miss Aldrik acknowledging the Empress as only Baldair’s mother. “It means they know I am with you now, this very moment. It means you will have to endure the delicate dance that is my family, and who knows what that really ever means.” Aldrik swallowed and grimaced. “It means you are going to see the girl.”

“I already met her, remember?” Vhalla tried to sound brave, unbothered.

“Vhalla,” he sighed softly. Time stopped a moment as his fingers intertwined with hers. “They aren’t allowing me in still.”

“I figured.”

“It means, I will—I will be waiting in her company.” His tone was apologetic.

Vhalla laughed softly, looking down at their laced fingers. He apologized to her for time spent with his intended. She realized that however good they were struggling to be, some lines had already been crossed.

“It’s all right,” she whispered. “I figured you to do that a lot. Be in her company.”

“I don’t,” Aldrik breathed, and his other hand found her face. “I don’t want to.”

“We should go,” she reminded him.

Aldrik nodded reluctantly. His hand fell, but he allowed his fingers to remain entwined with hers until they departed through the castle-side door.

Vhalla was led in an upward direction. The staff hall gave way to a more public walkway. This opened into a larger hall that led upward to a pair of golden gates. They had a pattern of suns that were thin and delicate, like lace. Their purpose was clearly more metaphorical than functional, as they’d be useless at actually keeping out anyone trying to forcibly gain entry.

Two guards snapped to attention as Aldrik walked upward. His hands were folded behind his back, his shoulders were tall, and he was every inch the prince. Vhalla looked at him and could see her future Emperor. She had no doubt he would command respect, but she prayed he could do so with love more than fear.

“My prince.” The guards saluted in unison, hastily opening the gates.

“Lady Yarl, this way.” His voice was detached, and he hardly even glanced back at her.

She tried to play her part and look as uncomfortable as any average citizen would be in tow of the Fire Lord. It still behooved them both to conceal their affections.

They walked through the dazzling central atrium Baldair had led her through months ago, navigating down a side hall that Vhalla recognized instantly. Clerics passed them hastily, their hands laden with crimson rags that made her heart lodge in her throat.

Aldrik led with his cold and distant mask as he brought her into the hive of activity of Baldair’s sitting room. Clerics flitted about and mixed potions, but Vhalla’s eyes rested on the one outsider to the group.

The princess’s hair was tied atop her head with delicate white lace. The girl was swathed in the Imperial color, white fabric trimmed in gold flowing elegantly down to her feet. She turned from her place at the window when Vhalla entered. Sehra and Aldrik must have attended

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