The Watchful Neighbour - Debbie Viggiano Page 0,9

corridor towards the coffee machine. She’d grab herself a quick cup of caffeine, and then head up to the kitchenette on the first floor. Neither Tom nor his infamous client would want machine coffee. They’d be expecting a large porcelain pot of tea, bone china cups and a plate of fancy biscuits that were kept under lock and key to stop Reggie, the post boy, from raiding them. Reggie and his sweet tooth were a longstanding office joke. Tom had once said, “What’s the difference between Reggie and a chocolate digestive?” and guffawed upon delivering the answer, “About a millimetre.”

Jade’s smile broadened into a grin. In a minute she would see Tom. Gorgeous Tom. He’d look up and she’d smile at him over the client’s head. They’d exchange a look. His would say, “Hey, sexy.” Hers would be, “Oh yeah? Just wait until the next time you’re alone with me.”

She pulled a plastic cup from the dispenser and stuck it under the machine’s spout. As always, she had to press the button twice to get the liquid to start running, then take a step back to avoid a splash as the machine spluttered into life.

‘Ow!’ squawked Cerys. ‘My foot.’

‘Sorry,’ said Jade. ‘Didn’t realise you were still with me.’

‘Yeah. I wanted to tell you something.’

‘Oh?’ Jade glanced at her watch. She’d have to be quick drinking the coffee. She should have delivered the tray of tea and biscuits a good ten minutes ago. She’d drink the coffee on the way to the kitchenette. She made to grab the plastic cup.

‘Hey, leave that for a minute,’ said Cerys.


‘What I have to say will only take a minute.’

Jade frowned. Two things struck her. First, Cerys was being very persistent. Second, Jade was having a déjà vu moment. Was she about to have a premonition? For a moment, she felt panicky. Ignoring Cerys’ instruction to leave the coffee, she picked up the cup. She could feel the hot liquid through the thin plastic. This moment was real. Her burning fingers bore testament to it. She plucked another cup from the dispenser and slotted the scalding drink into the second container to spare her poor hands.

‘What do you want to talk about?’

‘Deanna Harrison,’ said Cerys softly.

Jade’s eyes flickered. She’d definitely had this conversation with Cerys before.

Okay. Something whacky was going on. Someone – she struggled to think who – had once told her that the brain was wired to be weird and wonderful. It was something to do with the pineal gland. So if Jade’s pineal gland was doing crazy stuff and Cerys was going to say what Jade suspected she was going to say, then this time Jade wouldn’t lose her cool. This time she’d give Tom a chance to explain things after his client meeting.

‘What about Deanna?’ said Jade ultra-casually.

‘I heard from a mutual friend that she’s left Tom.’

Jade forced herself to take a sip of coffee. Her hand involuntarily trembled and some of the liquid slopped down her pristine white blouse.

Okay, pineal gland. I’m going to re-write this script. I’m not saying the same words as last time.

‘Oh, really? That’s too bad.’

‘Has Tom not mentioned this?’


‘Strange. You’ve been his PA for ten years,’ said Cerys, looking at Jade intently. ‘I would’ve thought he’d have confided in you.’

Jade shrugged. ‘Our relationship is purely a professional one.’

‘Is that so?’ said Cerys, eyes wide.

‘Of course,’ said Jade uneasily. ‘Anyway, how’s things with you?’

‘Has Tom seemed any different to you?’ said Cerys, ignoring Jade’s question.

Despite Jade not saying the same words as last time, she wasn’t managing to divert Cerys off her chosen topic.

‘Tom has been absolutely fine. Are you sure your information is correct?’

‘One hundred percent. Apparently, he’s been having an affair. Deanna always suspected that Tom was playing away, but this time she’s caught him out. She went through his pockets and found a packet of condoms. She’s on the pill, so has no need for Tom to use protection.’

Jade was aware of her heart starting to thud with a mixture of shock, exhilaration, and fear. Shock because Tom had told Jade he’d not had sex with Deanna for years. Exhilaration because Deanna had apparently left Tom. Fear because Jade couldn’t think why Tom hadn’t told her about this incredible marital development.

‘Well, if it is true’ – said Jade carefully – ‘then I’m sure my boss will tell me in his own time. At least their boys are young adults. A divorce shouldn’t be too traumatic for them.’

Jade’s brain was working at the speed Copyright 2016 - 2024