The Watchful Neighbour - Debbie Viggiano Page 0,82


‘Perfectly,’ said Jade. ‘But I’m a very private person and if you insist on Mr Good coming inside–’

‘I do.’

‘Then I will want to be home when he comes into the property.’

Jade’s thoughts immediately careered off in the direction of work. What with fictitious dental appointments and pretend tyre blow-outs, she knew she’d be pushing her luck asking for any further time off.

‘Mr Good’s visit will need to fit in with my working day,’ Jade continued. ‘Can he attend one evening?’

‘I’m sure that can be arranged,’ said Mrs Sims crisply. ‘He’s already informed me that he has yours and Miss Parker’s mobile numbers. I’ll tell him to get in touch directly.’

‘Fine,’ said Jade, through gritted teeth.

Except it wasn’t fine at all.

Chapter Fifty-Nine

Jade didn’t have long to wait for her neighbour to get in touch.

On her way to work, there was a muffled pinggg from the depths of her handbag. Jade’s heart hoped it would be Brad texting her a friendly good morning, but her gut told her it was Greg Good touching base.

Pulling into a bay at one of Bluewater’s underground car parks, Jade leant across the handbrake and retrieved her bag from the passenger seat. Her lip curled as she opened the text.

Good morning, Miss Ferguson. Mrs Sims has asked me to oversee the job of replacing your smoke alarms. Would it be convenient to do this job in the next hour or so? In which case, can you please text back confirmation of permission to access Number 3.

Jade’s fingers were flying across the screen before she could stop them.

Absolutely not.

She realised her message sounded horribly abrupt but, then again, did she owe this guy anything? No.

Can you defer the job until the weekend?

She didn’t add the word “please”. Greg didn’t deserve pleasantries. He’d crept around her home, messed with her belongings, stolen her magic eye clocks, returned them in pieces, smashed her kitchen window, and anonymously accused her of being a murderer.

Even though it was likely that the hoodies had been Puddles’ abusers, a part of Jade didn’t entirely believe her neighbour to be innocent of this latest incident.

Another reason for stalling Greg was because Jade wanted Brad to be there, but currently he wasn’t around. The thought of having to deal with her oddball neighbour without Brad’s presence didn’t appeal.

The ping of another text interrupted her thoughts.

Unfortunately it is Mother’s funeral this Friday and immediately afterwards I will be away for a break, therefore unavailable. If it’s more suitable, I can replace the smoke alarms this evening.

Jade considered. She really didn’t want to be alone with this man. She wondered if she should invite Dee Parker over at the same time on the pretext of having a coffee and girly chat. Then there would be a witness in the house if Greg were intimidating.

Almost immediately, Jade dismissed the idea of having Dee over. Their friendship – if it could even be called that – had never been cosy enough to have coffeetime moments. It was more likely that Dee would think it peculiar of Jade extending such random hospitality.

Then maybe it’s time to make friends properly, her conscience suggested.

Jade considered. She imagined Dee looking surprised at Jade extending this new arm of friendship but nonetheless politely accepting. Jade tried to visualise the scene. There was Dee coming into Number 3’s kitchen, perhaps with a homemade cake to share. Now she was settling herself down at the small table, a steaming mug in front of her. But… what would they talk about? Jade’s latest paranoia regarding Greg? Or maybe her fledging romance with Brad and how she’d unwittingly crushed Dee’s own romantic efforts with the guy?

The cosy kitchen scene melted away as Jade realised the only thing she had in common with Dee Parker was that of neighbours living next door to one other.

She sighed. Best to push on and get this rigmarole about smoke detectors over and done with. Jade turned her attention back to texting.

Okay, you can do the job later today. I’ll be home at the usual time.

There was no point in reminding Greg what hour that would be. They both knew his endless spying meant he was fully aware of her movements.

Thank you. I will see you later.

Jade grimaced and chucked the mobile back in her handbag. And then a thought occurred to her.

Earlier, when she’d jabbered silly pet nonsense to Puddles, she’d made a promise to find out who had violated him and then take revenge. Her cat might not have understood what she’d Copyright 2016 - 2024