The Watchful Neighbour - Debbie Viggiano Page 0,76

he felt hurt. Anyway, Brad has since made the loft hatch impassable and I suggest you secure yours too.’

Jade knew that Dee had noted there was no volunteering Brad to do the same for her.

The older woman shrugged. ‘I suppose I could ask Mrs Sims to sort it out.’

‘Frankly, she should have bricked up the divides between the houses long ago. I might complain to the letting agency about it.’

‘Right,’ said Dee, suddenly brisk. ‘If there’s nothing else, I’ll be off. At this rate I’m going to be late for work.’

‘You and me both,’ said Jade, shutting the gate behind her.

Dee strode off to her car with her high-heeled boots ringing hollowly against the pavement. She didn’t acknowledge Jade when she drove off.

Jade started up her own car. Before pulling out, she checked her rear-view mirror. For the briefest moment, she locked eyes with Greg. The net curtain hastily dropped back into place. No doubt he’d been eavesdropping again as the two women stood at their respective gates.

‘That’s fine, Mr Good,’ said Jade under her breath. ‘Now you will have overheard me telling Dee that my loft hatch is securely bolted and padlocked. What are you going to do about that, eh?’

Chapter Fifty-Four

Jade’s morning at work was uneventful. At lunchtime she took herself off to sit by the ornamental lake at the back of Bluewater’s shopping mall. It was cold outside, but Jade didn’t mind. She wanted some fresh air.

Huddling into her coat’s collar, she sat down on a bench and removed the wrapper from her sandwich. Biting into the bread, her thoughts strayed to Brad. She wanted to pinch herself. Not only was the guy smitten with her, but he was also demonstrating that he was completely all in for this budding romance. She couldn’t wait to head off to Windsor for their weekend away. She wondered if it would be the first of many.

She felt a rush of elation, and for a moment Jade wanted to hug herself. With a jolt, she realised she hadn’t thought of Tom Harrison in twenty-four hours. Not properly anyway. Wow, who would have imagined!

A ping from her mobile signalled a text. Rummaging in her handbag, she pulled out the phone. Brad had messaged her.

Hey, babe. My boss wants me to attend a workshop in Leeds. Last minute gig. The main player has flaked, and I’ve been summoned. I’m scooting home to pack a bag and won’t be home until Friday afternoon. Fancy checking out a film on the evening I’m back? Xx

Jade grinned. It was disappointing that Brad wouldn’t be around during the week, but she was thrilled to know they’d be getting together the moment he was home.

Gonna miss you! Yeah, up for a film. Action or horror? Xx

The phone pinged almost immediately.

I’m scared of horrors *laughing face* so you choose xx

Jade giggled, and her breath made clouds in the air. Her frozen fingers tapped out a reply.

Wuss! Okay, don’t complain if I choose a cheesy chick flick xx

Brad quickly responded.

I’m cool with that. Meanwhile tell Puddles to look after my lady xx

As Jade put the phone back in her bag, she realised that her heart felt like it had busted out of a cage. Almost giddy with happiness, she floated back to work. The feeling prevailed for the rest of the afternoon, even on the drive home through heavy rush hour traffic.

Peering through the car’s windscreen, Jade noted the ominous-looking sky. It was the colour of a bruised plum. Parking outside 3 Gresham Terrace, the heavens opened. Dashing up the path, she let herself in and shook off her wet coat. She was surprised when Puddles didn’t greet her but felt he couldn’t be far away. After all, he hated wet weather.

Rain was now lashing against the old-fashioned sash windows. Jade moved around the house drawing curtains and switching on lamps. She was half-expecting to come across Puddles curled up in a corner, but there was no sign of him.

Perplexed, once back in the kitchen she checked the cat flap. It was undone. Damn. She could’ve sworn she’d locked it. Perhaps the blasted thing had malfunctioned again. Okay, so Puddles was outside, but likely sheltering under a bush.

However, like a sleeping snake slowly awakening, anxiety started to uncoil in the pit of Jade’s stomach. She told herself that Puddles would make a run for home at any moment. Jade stared at the cat flap, willing her boy to catapult into the kitchen before scampering upstairs to dry himself off on Copyright 2016 - 2024