Watch Me (Phoenix #1) - Stacey Kennedy Page 0,14

faces. But Scott didn’t look away.

“And the point?” Jake asked, entitled arrogance dripping off his voice.

“Your time in Phoenix is done,” Rhys stated, matter of fact. “Your memberships revoked. I’ve recorded this conversation, and I’m giving the recording and the casefile to Zoey. The choice if she wants to have you prosecuted is her own.” He leaned in, and Zoey had never seen anyone look so scary and sexy all at once. “Let me be very clear: stay away from her. Not a phone call. Not a house visit. Do not push me where it comes to her.” Rhys lifted his glass to his mouth, and before taking a sip, he dismissed them. “Now get the fuck out.”

Both men rose. Jake was out the door in less time it took Zoey to draw in a shaky breath.

Scott took a step out but stopped before exiting. He glanced at the window, heavy regret on his features. “I’m sorry, Zoey. I know that will never make up for my part in what I did to you, but I am. I’m just so sorry.”

The emotion Zoey had been fighting burst wide open as Scott left. Like floodgates she couldn’t keep shut, she dropped her head into her hands and cried. Sobbed for everything that had happened. For all the lies spread. For her squashed dreams. For Scott and Jake finally being held accountable. Most of all, she cried because it had happened in the first place. But when a warm, woodsy musk infused the air, she realized someone else had entered the room. Firm hands gathered her, and she was hoisted into strong arms as Rhys sat down, pulling her to straddle his waist.

He held her.

Truly held her.

Like he had last night.

And she let him, emptying her pain into this man’s arms…a man who owed her nothing.

She had no idea how much time had passed before she lifted her head, not caring if her makeup was running down her face. She met Rhys’ smoky gray eyes, transfixed by the strength in them.

He held up a USB stick. “For you.”

“What’s this?” she asked, accepting it.

“That is your evidence if you choose to seek justice against them.”

She glanced at the USB stick. “But wouldn’t that expose the club?”

His soft voice drew her gaze back up to meet a face so gorgeous she didn’t think it could be real. “Sometimes, Zoey, telling the truth is worth the risk. This is one of those times. What was done to you was wrong. Scott and Jake should be brought to justice for that.” He closed her hand with his, keeping the USB stick tight in her grip. “Take it. You decide what to do with it.”

She held his gaze, and it felt oddly easy to do that. “For a year, I have believed the very worst in people. That no one can be trusted. That you can’t believe a word anyone says, because people do terrible things. But this…you and Archer…” Her voice hitched, but she forced the words out to prove to herself that she didn’t need to hide anymore. “I can’t help but think that maybe hope’s not all lost and that there really are good people out there.”

“None of this should have happened to you.” He wiped a fallen tear like it was his duty to do so. When he dropped his hand, holding her intimately against him, he asked, “Would it be all right if I drive you back home?”

She inhaled and exhaled deeply, pulling back emotions she had become an expert at hiding. “Thank you, but I’m okay. I’m actually meeting up with my roommates tonight.” To celebrate leaving her old life behind and stepping into this new one, where Manhattan didn’t terrify her. “I’ll make my way home with them after. Honestly, after all that, I could use the air. It’s not far from here. I’ll just walk.” Of course, she’d call a taxi, but he didn’t need to know that.

Not taking no for an answer, he rose with her in his arms and set her down on her feet. “Then, let me walk you.” At her silence, he offered his hand, arching an eyebrow, which softened his strong features. “Indulge me, Zoey. It’s a beautiful night.”

There were a thousand reasons to say no. But she realized she didn’t want to. She slid her hand into his. “You’re right, it is a beautiful night.”

Chapter 5

On any given day, Rhys could look a person in the eye and tell what their greatest desire Copyright 2016 - 2024