A Warrior s Desire - By Pamela Palmer Page 0,30

at the back of his waist.

She wouldn't free herself.

But if the Esri found them while he slept, all his promises to keep her safe were forfeit.
Chapter 10
Tarrys lay in total darkness beneath the warm weight of Charlie's arm, listening to the mine crickets and watching for sign of light in the distance.

A sign that the Esri had followed them into the mines.

Charlie slept behind her, his deep, even breaths stirring her hair, his body warm and solid.

But the feeling of being cherished was an illusion.

And the warmth wouldn't penetrate the chill of her heart.

Charlie Rand would never again mistake her for anything but what she was...a slave and a tool of the Esri.

For a few precious days, she'd seen respect in his eyes.


Even genuine desire.

Charlie had looked at her as if she were a woman.

A human woman, not the little oddity he'd seen her as at first.

For a few precious days, she'd felt strong and whole, as if she could be the partner he called her.

She'd felt she could be worthy of him.

As a friend.

Perhaps, someday, a lover.

Even donning her slave's garb again to follow him into Esria had been an act of strength, because she'd donned it of her own free will.

She'd chosen to follow him despite his wishes.

There was power in that.

But that power had been stripped away with the touch of an Esri hand.

Charlie had seen the truth.

He'd seen what she was - nothing but a slave used for men's basest desires.


Useless to him as guide or friend now that she was controlled by his enemy.

She'd never felt so worthless or desolate in her life.

Tears burned her eyes as she realized it was only a matter of time before her new master claimed her.

Never again would she be free.

She shifted her bound hands, covering Charlie's much larger one, needing the feel of her skin on his as he held her tight.

The tears ran faster as she clung to him, knowing this warmth and kindness might well be her last.

If Charlie wished to survive, he needed to let her go.

That she was still with him was a testament to the deep vein of loyalty that drove this man.

Loyalty that would get him killed if her new master had the power to control her from afar.

He could, conceivably, use her as a weapon against Charlie.

The best thing would be for her to go back to them.

But Charlie would never allow that.

And if she managed to get herself free? He'd only come after her again, and almost certainly get himself killed this time.

Her fingers curved around the edge of his hand.

She knew he needed to let her go.

And desperately hoped he wouldn't.

Something caught her eye - a tiny flicker of blue light against the mat of black.

Her pulse jumped.


Her hand gripped his tightly.

"Charlie, wake up.

You have to get moving."

She felt the change in him though he made no movement, no sound to indicate he was awake.

"I see light," she whispered.

"The Esri have followed us into the mines."


The softly spoken word barely reached her ear, but he started to move.

Tarrys dug her fingers into his hand.

"Be careful.

If I can see their light, they'll be able to see ours.

Light your way by pressing a single fingertip against the crystal.

They should be too far away to see it."

"Your bare feet light the crystal with every step.

We've got to wrap them first."

"You must leave me here, Charlie.

You must go on without me."


His arms tightened around her once, before releasing her.

A tiny circle of blue light ignited on the floor at her head and in that tiny glow she saw the hard planes of his face as he rose.

"Charlie, they aren't following us.

They're following me.

The bond this Esri has with me must be strong for him to be able to track me despite the crystals.

Without me, you stand a chance.

With me, none at all."

"I'm not giving you to them."

He knelt beside her and pulled out his knife.

"This gown's going to get a little shorter.

I hope you don't mind."

"Charlie..." She sighed, wanting to fight him yet, just as desperately, wanting him to overrule her.

She didn't want to leave him.

"Charlie, they already own me.

They could use me to hurt you.

You must save yourself."

He continued with what he was doing as if she hadn't spoken.

As thoroughly and gently as he did everything, he cut two strips from the hem of her gown and tied them around her feet.

"I need you," he said, loosening the ropes binding her hands.

"I don't know my way through here."

"Neither do I."

"You've done damn

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