The Warrior God (The Ares Trials #1) - Eliza Raine Page 0,61

my face immediately, his fingers pushing into my hair as his tongue found mine and pleasure exploded in my center, so fiercely I ached. My skin sprang to life with a sensitivity I’d never felt, every caress of his fingers on my neck and jaw sending shivers of pleasure through me.

He kissed me with the ferocity of a man starved, as though he had never tasted anything like me before, and I knew that because it was exactly how I felt. Never, ever had a kiss been so consuming, so full of promise, so damned right.



I pulled him closer to me, his soft lips moving harder against mine, and he half-fell to the bed. His hand moved to my ribs as he rolled, the movement breaking the kiss, and fevered panic gripped me at the void he left. But his strong arms dragged me back to him, one hand now up my back, the other in my hair, pulling my head gently back so he could trail kisses down my throat.

I couldn’t even comprehend how much I wanted him, shivers like electricity shooting from wherever his lips landed to all the places my body was screaming to be touched. As my nipples hardened I became vaguely aware that I was still wearing the supple corset. We were on our sides, my good arm now beneath him, and my left useless in its paste cast. I needed to feel his hard chest, his muscular back, his tanned skin. I longed to touch him, to feel all of him. The drums beat louder as my breath caught, his kisses reaching the bottom of my throat and moving toward my breasts. His hair brushed my skin tantalizingly as he moved.

He reached the top of the corset and stopped, looking up at my face, breathing as hard as I was. Flames, huge and fierce and hot and beautiful, were dancing in his eyes, and the sight was so fucking perfect that every single thing in my life that wasn’t him faded into nothingness. Every thought, every doubt, every fact, even the freaking mattress beneath me ceased to exist - there was just him and me, our bodies belonging together, the need between my legs now painful in its intensity.

A deep moan left his lips, and he moved to kiss me, even hungrier than before.

“Ares? Persephone has come to heal Bella.”

Eris’ voice through the door startled us both, and Ares shot backwards so fast that he fell clean off the side of the huge bed. I scrabbled up to a sitting position, heat and arousal making my thoughts too slow to do anything useful. Ares got to his feet fast, and his eyes met mine. Though they were still filled with longing, the fire in his irises was dying out.

“We... We should not have done that.”

The drums stopped.

I stared up at him, his words snapping my attention from the screaming need in my core.

“Why not?” I was breathing hard.

“Many reasons. We should not have done that.” His words felt like a slap to the face. Did he need to say this whilst my lips were still swollen from kissing him?

My feelings must have shown on my face, because his wild expression softened a second, before a hammering began on the door.

“Ares? Let us in,” Eris called from the other side.

I pushed myself up from the mattress fast, feeling my cheeks beginning to burn. There was no way I wanted Eris or Persephone seeing me like this. And if this idiotic lump of muscle that called himself a man wanted to make me feel unwanted, he had succeeded.

“I’m showering,” I mumbled, jumping off the bed and moving awkwardly fast to the washroom door. I slammed it shut behind me, hearing no protestation from Ares, then slumped against it, taking deep breaths and begging my body to settle down. After a moment’s pause, I heard him speak.

“I used her own power to heal her, but thank you for coming, Queen Persephone.”

I only just caught the Queen’s response, something along the lines of being glad I was better and looking forward to seeing us at the ball in a few hours.

A ball? Fuck that. There was no way I was going to a damned party. I stamped across the beautiful bathroom to where an enormous sunken bath was set into the floor. I barely noticed the intricate orange and teal tiles lining the little pool as I yanked the faucets on.

How the fuck could I have been so Copyright 2016 - 2024