The Warrior God (The Ares Trials #1) - Eliza Raine Page 0,36

there is no Goddess of War. There never has been. So, I’m left wondering, however did you find her?”

“Leave me be, Eris,” I said, unfolding my arms and looking at her. “I have business to attend to.” Before she could respond, I strode away from her, looking like I knew exactly where I was going. The truth was though, I just needed to be away from her. My sister was one of the most shrewd and dangerous women in Olympus. And I knew what she would say next. She would offer me more information about Zeus and my power, in return for information about Bella. Information that was too valuable for me to give up, even if the thought of someone else using my power burned a hole in my insides. It wasn’t like me accessing Bella’s power, because that was the same magic. It was a part of both of us. But using a god’s power that had not been properly allocated to you?

It was a gross violation of everything deities held close. And Zeus, whilst wrong in his most recent actions, was our immortal leader. There was no way he would stoop so low. She was lying.

“I told you that your Lords might have some revenge planned,” cooed a voice. I felt my pulse leap as I whirled around.

“Aphrodite,” I said, giving her a curt nod, that belied my racing heart.

“Are you worried about the Trials?” My eyes were drawn to her full lips as she spoke, and desire washed through me. She lifted a long-stemmed glass to her mouth, the movement slow and impossibly sexy.

“Stop it,” I said. She rolled her eyes at me, but the fierce need to touch her lessened. “Of course I am not worried about the Trials. I created the Lords. Anything they design will be to my strengths.”

“Has it occurred to you that that means they know your weaknesses too?” She raised one perfect eyebrow as she looked at me and I faltered before answering her.

“No. They are driven by valor as much as anyone else in my realm. Their tests will show off their power.”

“And your first one is Pain? That should be fun to watch.” Her beautiful eyes sparkled.

“Would my pain arouse you?” I asked her quietly.

“Not explicitly, no. But I long to see the beast in you again. And maybe a dose of pain will bring it out.”

I clenched my teeth. I longed to feel the beast in me again. But there was nothing there but hollow rage. “I will have my power back soon.”

“And you expect me to wait for you?”

“I expect nothing from you.” That was a lie. As long as I could remember, I had expected things from the woman who dominated my thoughts day and night. And she had never, ever fulfilled any of them outside of lust.

“Good.” Her usually warm voice was clipped and cold, her soft beauty hardening before me. The Goddess of Love was not all sugar-sweet whispers and sensuous caresses. Love was one of the most cruel things in the world, and Aphrodite embodied it all. But the side of her that was attracted to a man like me was rarely on display in public, and true-to-form, a beaming smile replaced her hard look as Pain approached us.

“Lord Pain,” she said, as he reached her. He took her hand and bowed low as he kissed it.

“Oh, divine goddess, you are a vision,” he said smoothly. She gave him an appreciative nod.

“Your brothers are here tonight?”

“Indeed.” He turned and pointed to where Terror was sitting in a large chair, a tree-dryad girl on his lap and a Erimosian girl dancing before him.

“Tell me, what is it that he is made of?” Aphrodite asked curiously.

“Marble.” Her eyes darkened, and jealousy fired through me instantly. I knew that look well.

“So hard to touch... I wonder...” she whispered, and Pain’s smile spread slowly wider.

“An audience with the goddess of love would be an honor for the Lords of War,” he said. “All three of us would be at your disposal, day or night.”

“Now, there’s an idea,” she said, voice like sweet honey.

The need to lash out gripped me, almost intolerable, and as Pain’s eyes flicked to mine, malice dancing in them, I turned away. For the second time that evening, I strode across the tiled floor with faked purpose, needing to be anywhere else.

The goddess toyed with me as though I were a plaything. An image of her laying naked on her bed, the three Copyright 2016 - 2024