The Warrior God (The Ares Trials #1) - Eliza Raine Page 0,29

pool, the most luscious and inviting turquoise color. Around it were daybeds draped in soft white fabric, and vividly green palm trees offering their inhabitants privacy. I could hear birds calling as we carried on down the blue walkway toward the pool, and the jewel-encrusted walls were giving off light high above us, dappled and soft. Three or four naked women were in the water that I could see, and waif-like girls scuttled between the daybeds carrying trays of drink and small bowls.

The guard stopped abruptly, dropping to one knee, and Ares and I bumped against each other again as our invisible tether to the staff went slack.

“I have the man you asked for, my Lord.”

I felt Ares stiffen before we drifted apart again.

“Are we about to meet the King?” I hissed.

“You are indeed,” boomed a voice, and the palm trees fluttered as a figure stood up from the largest daybed. I felt my mouth open in surprise when instead of walking around the pool to us, he stepped onto the surface of the water, barely leaving a ripple where his feet met the liquid.

He was tall, slender and gorgeous. If Aladdin aged as well as George Clooney, this man would be the result. His black hair was thick and full, and he was wearing long purple robes, tied loosely at the waist and exposing most of his chest. Row upon row of gold bands hung around his neck, and there were too many pendants for me to make out what they all were. As he reached our side of the pool I could see his face properly, and my heart began to hammer in my chest the second our eyes made contact.

Something about this man was wrong. I knew it as surely as I knew my own name; I could see it in his dark eyes as though it were tattooed on his forehead.

The man flicked his hand, and whatever was holding us in the air vanished. I failed to get both feet steady under me as we dropped to the floor, and my pride burned as I stumbled onto my knees. After so long off the ground, both my feet were tingling and numb. I leaped back up, hoping my cheeks weren’t giving away my anger that I had fallen, but the man’s gaze was fixed on Ares.

“Well, well, well,” he said, a cruel smile crossing his handsome face. “I never thought I’d see the day.”

“Hello. I’m Bella,” I said, loudly. His eyes flicked to mine. My heart pounded in my chest, my pulse racing. I would not look weak in front of this man. I would go on the offensive early. Establish myself as strong.

“I know who you are.”

“I doubt that,” I answered. “But I have no fucking clue who you are. Help a girl out?”

His eyes narrowed and he cocked his head at me.

“He is the King of Erimos,” said Ares. His voice was loaded with pent-up anger, and my own energy responded instantly, fizzing through me.

“Now, now,” the King said smoothly. “I’m a little bit more than that. As you well know,” he smiled at Ares. “I am one of the three Lords of War,” he said, looking back to me. “Appointed by the great god, Ares.” My heart skipped a beat. “Pain, Panic and Terror. Together we walk in the mighty god’s wake, basking in his deadly power.” He spread his hands as he spoke, then looked slowly back to Ares. “That is to say, when he had power.”


My stomach dropped as I looked at Ares. It seemed that taking his helmet off hadn’t made him as invisible as he’d hoped it would.



“As your ruler, you must bow to me,” snarled Ares. The King stared back into Ares’ furious face.

“Make me,” he hissed. I felt the tug in my stomach at the same time the King cried out, doubling over into a painful looking bow.

“Do not play games with me, Pain,” Ares said.

Pain? My head whirred as I tried to piece information together. The King had said there were three Lords of War; Pain, Panic and Terror. And Ares had just called him Pain? But he was so beautiful...

“So the rumors are not entirely true,” the King croaked as he straightened. “You have some power remaining.”

“Has an Underworld demon passed through Erimos in recent weeks?” barked Ares, ignoring the statement.

“Yes,” Pain answered.

“Really?” I couldn’t help my excited response, and the King looked at me. His gaze bore into mine, and I instantly regretted showing Copyright 2016 - 2024