Warrior Fae Trapped (Warrior Fae #1) - K.F. Breene Page 0,95

head. “Given that Vlad is over a thousand years old, has certainly met warrior fae before, and likely seen the magic of an Arcana—as soon as he did make the connection…”

Roger let a breath slowly trickle out. “Charity is legit. She’s warrior fae—possibly warrior fae royalty. She’s one of the most powerful fae in existence, she’s heir to the custodes throne, and she is in our protection.”

“No one can be positive.”

Roger laughed humorlessly. “Vlad is going to try to leverage help from the warrior fae by holding the child prisoner. What’s his overall plan, though? There is no way he’s going to try to out vampires in the human world. Last time that happened, most of them were hunted down and destroyed—and that was before modern weapons.”

Alder tapped his notepad. “There’re rumors indicating the Realm is his target…and he may have some dangerous allies. It would be easier on the vampires if they didn’t have to follow the elves’ rules. It would be ideal for the demons if they didn’t have to remain banished to their pits. As you know, Lucifer has an appointment to visit the elf royalty. The popular rumor is that the elves called him in due to the increasing numbers of demons in the Brink.” Alder quirked a brow. “The whispered rumor is that Lucifer had something of a problem in the Underworld, and is now seeking out the cause. He’s searching for a particular type of magical…person. And possibly a vampire accomplice.”

A strange unsettlement traveled through Roger. He was the alpha of an entire region, no small feat, but this news raised his small hairs. Something was coming. Something bigger than anything he’d ever experienced. And he knew he’d eventually be pulled into the heart of it.

“All we have is rumors,” Alder said. “When I asked Reagan, she punched me in the face.”

“She knows the details,” Roger said with certainty. “But that isn’t essential right now. We’ll circle back to it.” He blew out his breath. “Vlad’s leaked plans would explain the visit from Lycus and also all the newbie vamps that keep springing up. The vampires need bigger numbers to take on the elves. But no magical species has taken on that challenge and won.”

“Lucifer has gotten close in the past. If he’d found a few more allies, and the elves hadn’t recruited a certain annoying breed of magical shifters, they might’ve overtaken the elves. The vampires weren’t the stars of that show, but Vlad was involved—or at least looking on. He’s gotten older and wiser since. He’s probably mapped out the weaknesses of everyone involved.”

Roger nodded. “If there is a way, he’ll go for it. He was trying to up his numbers when he stumbled upon Charity. Now he thinks he’s found his golden ticket. In the past, the warrior fae would never have fought against the elves. They were the elves’ prized army. But now, after keeping to themselves for so long…”

“The elves would use Charity to bring the warrior fae to heel. The vampires would use her to bring them to their cause. Given how Devon’s pack have responded to having a warrior fae in their midst, I have to wonder if we’d follow those enchanting folk wherever they go.”

“She is a turning point,” Roger whispered.

“I’d like to get her in front of Karen, the little mage’s mom.”

So would Roger. A Seer might shed some light on how important Charity’s role would be moving forward. Giving Reagan’s recent mess-up, Roger probably had the leverage to make that happen.

“It certainly seems like Charity is the product of the quest,” Roger said, thinking of all the elements at play. “It doesn’t change the current situation, though.”

“Right now we have Charity,” Alder said, his eyes gleaming. “We could harness her the same way. Make our own power play.”

Roger leaned back in his seat, analyzing his right-hand man. They’d been through the wringer together, but they’d always guarded each other’s back. They approached every new challenge from the same moral foundation. Roger wondered if this would be a rare divergence.

As if reading his thoughts, Alder said, “I’m just putting all our options on the table.”

“We aren’t kidnappers or mercenaries,” Roger replied in a firm tone.

Alder nodded, and Roger realized his old friend had been testing him. He’d wanted to make sure they were still on the same page. Power corrupted, but they had always kept each other balanced. It was good that they still could.

“What now?” Alder asked.

“Vlad is amassing troops. He’s pulling them in

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