Warning Track (Callahan Family #1) - Carrie Aarons Page 0,81

our relatives work here with their spouses and are overlooked every day. Yes, it’s not convenient and possibly not ethical that I was dating a player. But Hayes and I have never done anything wrong. We’ve never let our relationship cloud our work responsibilities or duties. So, no, I will not be giving my resignation. I deserve this job, I’ve worked damn hard for it, and I’m not going anywhere. You also can’t force me to, so get used to me. I’m going to be here for a very long time.”

My uncle’s mouth hangs open, the obvious shock all over his face. No one stands up to him, least of all his much younger niece who he was just trying to break with his cruel words. I stand there for a full two minutes, while he flounders and comes back with nothing, before smoothing my hair back and squaring my shoulders again.

“If there is nothing else, I have a press conference to get to.”

And I walk right out of his office. I’ve been doubting myself for far too long, letting the opinions of others dictate how I approached my life and my career. I’m not a scared little girl, trailing in her father’s footsteps. I’m my own woman, my own person, and I was born to do this job. It just took me a little while, and a lot of heartache, to realize that I am strong enough on my own. That I’ve done the work, focused my energies, and I can have whatever I want in whatever way I wanted it. Silently, I send up a little thank you to my grandfather, the real head of the Callahan family, for always believing in me. It’s allowed me, finally, to believe in myself.

Hayes is waiting for me just inside the vestibule that leads to the press room. As I peek through the small window on the door between us and a few dozen hungry reporters, waiting like sharks for blood, I see the table set with four chairs. Two for us, one for his agent, and another for the head PR rep for the Pistons.

“Are you nervous?” I ask him, biting my own lips as anxiety shoots through me.

His strong hand grasps mine. “Yes. But nerves don’t equal doubt. We’re doing the right thing. I’m not going back on what I said. I love you, Colleen.”

My heart practically melts. “I love you.”

It’s risky, the way our faces bend to each other, but I need his kiss right now. When our mouths meet, for the briefest, gentlest of caresses, it fills me with reassurance, hope, and love. We might be walking into the fire, but we’re not wrong in doing so. If I get this for the rest of my life, then I’ll face as many flames as they toss at us.

When the PR rep and Hayes’ agent join us a few minutes later, the four of us walk into the press room and sit down, TV mics crackling and iPhone cameras clicking. I feel the intensity of the lights, the stares, and then I steel my nerves against them. I’m a general manager, a kick-ass one, and these people will not break me.

Our PR rep does an introduction of the facts, stating the timeline of our relationship, and asks for only respectful and relevant questions.

That’s when the bloodbath starts.

Have you slept together on company property?

Did you reimburse Mr. Swindell for his extracurricular activities?

Are you signing on for another year with the Pistons in exchange for sexual favors?

Awful, over-exaggerated questions that no one has any business answering. My heart pumps wildly, shame burning my cheeks. I hope to God they can’t see the blush.

Hayes interrupts it all, raising a hand to silence them.

“Our relationship is none of your business. It’s not the public’s business. You know whose business it is, if they choose to make it so? The Pistons organization, and the league. If they want to a launch full scale investigations into our dating history, be my guest. You won’t find a thing, since there has been no favoring, nepotism, or otherwise unethical behavior. We’re simply two people who fell in love and happen to have jobs where that might not be the smartest decision. That one is on us, but I think the world can understand that we’re not in control of who we fall for. I’m sure you’ve all had a situation or two like that. So please, let those organizations do their jobs, and let us get

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