Warning Track (Callahan Family #1) - Carrie Aarons Page 0,59

that, we cook dinner together and talk about our day. When we see each other at the ballpark, I have to hide my smirk and Hayes tries not to stare at my boobs. Once or twice, we’ve found ourselves back in that supply closet, which is completely risky but completely worth it. He is the person I want to talk to whenever something good happens in my life, or whenever something bad hits my days with a case of the blues. More than anyone in my life, even Walker, it feels like Hayes understands me and I him.

This is the truest form of connection, and dare I say love, I’ve ever encountered. Aside from the secrecy, these last two months have been the best of my life.

I park around the block from Hayes’ house, under the guise of darkness, and sneak through his backyard to let myself in the set of French doors that lead out to his patio. I let myself in; he knows I’m coming, and slip my canvas sneakers off. One thing I’ve learned about Hayes in the last two months is that he’s an undercover neat freak. He won’t sit down for dinner without cleaning every pan and putting the discarded utensils in the dishwasher. He’s also anal about scuff marks on his floors and wet towels being discarded over the backs of chairs. I thought I was tidy, but he puts me to shame.

After taking two steps into his kitchen, I run smack dab into a man who is certainly not Hayes Swindell.

“Oh, I’m so … sorry?” My voice is peaked and uncomfortable.

Bryant Templeman chuckles at catching me off guard. “So, I see the kid didn’t tell you I was going to be here. He’s a trickster, that one.”

Hayes enters, shaking his head at Bryant, and comes to plant a chaste kiss on my cheek. “Don’t you go scaring her. I didn’t tell her because I thought your old butt would be out the door by now.”

“But apparently, you told him about me?” I’m not annoyed, and my tone doesn’t convey it, but just more confused than anything.

Hayes and I have agreed that our relationship can definitely not go public. Not now, and maybe not ever. Or at least until something changes drastically in the professional sense for one of us. While I’m falling deeper and deeper into my feelings for this man, I have to work even harder to keep them completely covered up when we’re outside of the walls of our homes. Sneaking into bedrooms after dark, holding hands when the parking lot is empty, sending salacious text messages when the confines of our relationship won’t allow us to spend time together. These are the things we have. The act is starting to wear on me, but I wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world.

I just would love one day, or even one hour, of being normal with him.

“Don’t worry, he’d never tell anyone. Otherwise, I’d have to tell his wife about his gambling habits.” Hayes levels an eyebrow at the man he has told me raised him.

Bryant waves him off. “Psh, kid, there are far juicier secrets, ones that I could tell her, to make you blush. Don’t forget that.” Then he turns to me. “It really is nice to meet you, though I know we’ve met in passing before. But as someone special to this guy, I’m glad I could meet you in a private setting.”

A humbling smile paints my lips. “Well, I’m very glad I got to meet you, too.”

I’m not sure what else to say. I spend so much of my day being “on” that when I come to Hayes’ house, I feel like I can let my hair down. I’ve also never done a meet the parents type of deal, so I’m at an awkward loss for words.

“I should be going, but I hope the next time you two are in California, Ronnie and I can have you over for dinner.” Bryant tips his head to me and then hugs Hayes.

“Let me walk you out,” Hayes says as they tread the carpet toward the front door.

A breath I didn’t know I was holding blows out as they depart, and I feel weird. I should have been friendlier, or said something more than the one sentence I spoke to him. Maybe told him I loved his work. But my brain wouldn’t compute, probably because I’d been caught off guard and didn’t know that anyone knew that I

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