The War (Bratva Blood #2) - S.R. Jones Page 0,76

nothing. They hoard their money like the misers they are, and they’ll haggle over a cup of coffee. Then there are the ones who are profligate, who spread it around like confetti. I prefer the second type. Me? I’m in the middle. I don’t worry about every penny, which is odd given my upbringing and the poverty I lived through. I also don’t flash the money around too much. I like nice things, but I’m not about to buy a diamond encrusted coffee cup, and yes, I’ve seen someone do that.

I always thought I had to have more, though. More money. More power. Now? Now I want a challenge, and I don’t care if this venture makes me and Andrius wealthy or not; I just want it to be a success. It will be good to build something from the ground up with my brother. It will be good to live with Cassie in a place she can feel safe.

We arrive back at the London house, and as soon as we do, I’m on high alert. Yes, it will be good not to always feel this low-level anxiety about someone attacking me or those I love. I won’t worry about it living on a damn compound with Andrius and a load of trained men. We’ll be untouchable there. I can come to London on business knowing Cassie is totally safe. There’s no one I’d trust her life with more than Andrius.

Before we can do this, though, we must deal with the Armenians.

One more damn war before we can find our peace.

We all trudge into the house, weary in the way only travel can make you.

“You all look fucked.”

I turn at the voice to see Vasily propped up on the sofa in the living room.

“Vasily, welcome back,” I say and go to him. “How are you feeling?”

He stands and shrugs. “Okay. Not so bad as I thought, to be honest.”

I pull him in for a back-slapping hug. “Welcome back, fucker.”

He grins, looks beyond me to see Cassie, and the grin fades. I sigh, turn to Cassie, and nod toward the stairs. “Baby, do you mind giving me, Bohdan, and Vasily here some privacy?”

“Not at all,” she says with a sweet smile. “I’m tired, and I want to freshen up after the journey. I’d love a coffee, though, so I’ll make one first. Anyone else want one?”

“Yes please,” Bohdan says.

Cassie makes a great coffee, her time as barista not going to waste.

“Please,” Andrius says. “That thing you make with all the layers and the syrups.”

“Macchiato?” She laughs. “Coming right up.”

“I’ll have a hazelnut latte,” I say.

“Vasily?” She turns to him and offers him a pleasant smile.

“I’ll have a macchiato too,” he says politely. Too politely. He’s being cold. Unfriendly. That won’t do. Vasily will be learning what Cassie means to me soon enough.

She makes the coffees, hands them out, and then goes upstairs. I’ve already taken the bags up for her. There is no staff. I sent everyone, except for the three-armed men I hired, home. Reece, Liam, Ethan, and Luka are due here soon. Before they arrive, I need to talk with my men.

Alexei makes himself scarce, along with Kasper, and I take my coffee and head to the dining room, gesturing for Bohdan and Vasily to follow me. Andrius comes too.

Once we’re all sitting, sipping at the delicious coffees, I turn to Bohdan and Vasily. “I’ve got some news. Big news. There are going to be changes.” I speak in Russian.

“Does it involve the girl?” Vasily asks, putting a sneering tone into the word girl.

“It involves Cassie, yes. And before we go any further, you need to understand something, Vasily. Cassie’s family now.”

“What?” he explodes. He pushes his chair back and starts to pace. “You’ve only known her weeks.”

“Doesn’t matter,” I say. Not bothering to add that if you include our coffee shop chats, I’ve known her a damn sight longer. “Franky it’s none of your fucking business, and I’m only telling you because you disrespect her once more, and we’ll have a problem.”

“It is my business if your head is all up in the clouds and you can’t focus on our business,” he says.

“Which leads me nicely to my next point.” I ignore his temper tantrum because frankly if I let his attitude rile me, I’ll end up punching his lights out, and the man is already injured.

“I’m walking away.”

“What?” Both Bohdan and Vasily say the word at the same time.

“You can’t,” Bohdan says. “People don’t walk away. It Copyright 2016 - 2024