The War (Bratva Blood #2) - S.R. Jones Page 0,71

hospital every day and stayed for the full visiting time allowed. We talked, but the sense of him being pre-occupied was there. I try not to let it hurt, but it does. I’ve been through hell, and he’s clearly plotting and planning. He’s probably planning his revenge on those who did this to me, but I simply want him to leave it alone and walk away. I know he won’t. He’s so deep into this, he’ll never give it up.

We arrive at the Paris house to find it a hive of activity. There are people rushing around. Maya flits by and pauses to give me a pain-inducing hug before rushing off.

“What’s going on?” I ask Konstantin.

“We have to get back to the UK. Tomorrow. It’s not ideal. I didn’t want you to have to travel while you’re recovering, but we need to get back. Things are being put into play.”

“What things?”

He looks around him. “Not now, but when we’re back home, we need to talk, Cassie.”

Oh, boy. This might be the moment where he tells me he loves me, but this is his life and he can’t change things. I will know he means he won’t change them because I know he’s been offered an out. If that’s how it plays out, I have to walk away. I must, I tell myself. I’m already weakening on my stance. I move, and the sharp stab of pain in my side reminds me why I need to leave him if he stays wedded to this life. I’m not Maya. I wasn’t born into this. I don’t understand how to handle it.

Reece walks into the hallway, and he’s talking on the phone. “You’ll all be there? Yeah, I think he’s in.” He shoots Konstantin a shit-eating grin. “The big A says he took some convincing, but it seems we’re a go for the new venture. Greece, here I come.”

I glance at Konstantin, who shakes his head as Bohdan stomps into the hallway scowling.

Konstantin leans down, brushes the hair from my neck, and whispers, “Later, sunshine. All in good time.”

Control freak.

“What do you want me to do?” I ask him.

“Get packed and ready to leave tomorrow. Or rather,” he says as I start to head up the stairs, “get your girly shit together, and I’ll pack your clothes and shoes. I don’t want you straining yourself.”

I shake my head at him, but a small grin tugs at my mouth. “I think I’ve got less girly shit than you,” I shoot back. “I’m not the one with shower gel worth sixty pounds, and shampoo that costs thirty. I’ve got a few basics from Superdrug, and that’s it. You’re the show pony in this relationship, sweet cheeks.”

Bohdan’s laughter follows me up the stairs.

Once in our room, I gather my girly shit, what there is of it, and then sit on the bed and stare at the wall. Something’s happening, and I want to know what. I can’t wait until we get back to England. I need Konstantin to tell me. All in good time. He’s such an ass.

Wanting the hospital scent gone from me, I decide to wash my hair, and then my body. It’s a monumental task, and this will be the first time I’ve tried it alone. The nurse helped me yesterday. I head to the bathroom, and then decide I really can’t face doing my hair. Instead, I strip wash in the sink and spray some of my perfume over my hair in a fine cloud, hoping it will take away that pungent bleach and sickly-sweet smell from the hospital.

I’m walking out of the bathroom into the bedroom when the door opens. I jump and ineffectually cover my nudity with my arms, then relax when I see it’s only Konstantin.

He looks me up and down, and his brow furrows when his gaze lands on the wound at my side.

“It’s not so bad,” I say. “Didn’t hit anything major. I was lucky.”

“You’ll never have to be lucky again,” he growls.

“Are you sending me away? Like into witness protection or something?” I blurt out.

“What? No. Far from it. I should. I should walk away from you, but I can’t.”

“So what’s going on?” I ask. “Don’t make me wait, Konstantin, I’m on pins and needles here.”

He closes the door and comes to me. He bends down and sweeps me up into his arms. Sitting on the bed, he places me on his lap and holds me. His hand strokes through my hair, his nose in the Copyright 2016 - 2024