The War (Bratva Blood #2) - S.R. Jones Page 0,69

rich people’s own security. You know what it’s like. Some A-lister hires a guy who is seven foot tall and nearly as wide thinking that’s impressive, but the guy has no real skills. We train up an army of people with real skills. We base the training center on Corfu. We charge a fucking fortune for anyone who wants to hire one of our guys after, on top of what they have to pay the man they hire, of course. A finders’ and trainers’ fee, if you will, that’s all ours. We only take on the very best, and we train them to be even better, to our standards.”

“Yes?” I’m interested, but I’m not biting, not quite yet.

“Liam, his guys, and you and me build the world’s premier security firm. We have a private army that we rent out to those who can afford it, which let me tell you, will be few and far between. A few things happened, all dovetailing to making this a go.” He takes another drag of his cigar and blows out a perfect smoke ring. It wobbles up to the ceiling before dispersing. “There’s a massive plot of land five minutes from my home on Corfu. It was riding stables, so it’s got a lot of out buildings. We convert it into a barracks. We bring on the best of the best. Mercenaries, retired military, hell, guys from our world, if they want out. Who cares so long as they are good at their shit? We train them, and we rent them out to the richest people in the world for an exorbitant fee.”

“Let me guess. You need my money?”

He smiles. “Actually, as it happens, no. If Liam, his three men, and I put in, we can afford it. We want you. I don’t want to run it on my own. Liam wants to stay in Yorkshire, as does Ethan, but Reece and Pamela, they’re happy to move. I wanted to speak to you before I discussed it with them any further. The plan is this. Reece, me, and you, if you’re in, build the barracks and training arena. We recruit the first tranche of men and then we supply them very strategically.”

“Strategically how?”

“The first people we supply are in our world. We give men to Allyov. He’s shitting himself that the Armenians or someone else are going to end him and his family. He’s got Alexei and his own men, but he doesn't have enough that he feels safe. And you know, most of them came up from the streets. They aren’t scared of a fight, but they aren’t technically much good. Half of them couldn’t shoot a stationary target on a good day. This way, Allyov gets the best security money can buy. We also hire men out to a few people Liam’s handpicked. Hugely rich and powerful. I’m talking more powerful than a small nation. You and I, of course, would cream the best off the top of the crop. Keep them with us, have them help train up the next tranche, but also be backup security.”

He sighs. “I’m lucky that Aram didn’t come after me at my home. If he had done so I’m not sure my systems, as good as they are, would have kept him out. This place? You should see it, K. We could build a barracks, a training center, and four or five private residences and still have acres to spare. It’s easy to defend. It’s beautiful. I’d sell my place and build on there.”

“Communal living, eh?” I smile, but I’m not sure. I like my own space.

“It works for Damen and the Greeks, and they’re in the same house. We wouldn’t be. Totally private residences. Hell, there’s enough land, we wouldn’t have to see one another’s houses if we didn’t want to.”

“I don’t know.”

“Of course, you need time to think. I’m in, K, whether you are or not, but I’d prefer it if you were. Brothers in arms again. You could carry on the legit side of things here in the UK, visit whenever you had to. Your base, though, could be Corfu.” He pauses and sips at his drink before placing the heavy tumbler back on the coaster. “Cassie, though? She could stay on Corfu. She’d love it there. Violet does. It’s fucking beautiful. Hell, she could move her grandparents there, and they could have a cottage on the land. Our women would be safe. If you had children, they’d be safe.”

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