The War (Bratva Blood #2) - S.R. Jones Page 0,33

suck one of those nipples in through the fabric and tease it until it’s hard in my mouth.

I let go with a wet pop, take myself out of my trousers, pull a condom out of my wallet, and roll it down my length.

“Climb on board,” I say with a laugh.

She grins and seats herself on me swiftly, giving neither of us time to adjust. Then she pulls up and slams back down, adding a slight twist on her movement. Soon, she’s working away above me, her eyes closed, and her mouth parted. She reaches down and fingers her clit while she fucks me, and it’s hard and fast like she said. Except she’s the one fucking me.

I lean back and enjoy the show because she’s hungry for it, and so am I. I like her honesty and her unashamed way of taking what she wants.

Christ, I hope she comes soon, because I’m about to. I say a few filthy things, not really thinking but wanting her to come, and it works. She cries out and grips me like a vice, while I fill the condom.

She stands, wipes her thighs with some toilet paper, and pulls her panties into place, smoothing her skirt down.

“Wow, that was nice. Listen,” she says. Oh no, she’s going to ask to see me again. What she says next surprises me, though. “I’m involved, happily, but we sometimes have threesomes. If you ever want to hook up again, give me a call.” She hands me a card.

I take it but shake my head. “Thanks, but guys aren’t my thing. Not even when double teaming someone as hot as you.”

She laughs. “Oh, I never said my partner was a man. She’s called Brigitte, and we’d love for you to join us sometime.”

The she kisses me sweetly on the cheek, buttons her shirt, checks herself in the mirror and exits the room, leaving me sitting there a little dumbfounded.

If I could fall in love, I might with her. I can’t, though. The reason I can’t is because I’m already in love, but the woman I’m in love with is also the person I hate most in this world.

Sometimes life fucks with you that way.

Chapter Nine


I’m all nervous and excited. Lots of things are happening. A doctor came to the house this morning and took blood and swabs from both myself and Konstantin. She’s going to send them off to test us both, and if we’re clean, Konstantin wants us to screw with no condom. The idea makes me nervous. One more barrier between us gone. One more way for it to hurt even more when he walks away.

I try not to focus on that; instead, I focus on the good things. I’m going home, if only for a short while, and get some of my stuff, and even better, I get to see my neighbor. At some point in the next few days, I might go to Paris. Paris! Wow. I’ve always wanted to go there. My trips abroad have been limited so far to holiday type destinations. Places like Majorca. I’ve always wanted to travel and see other cities and cultures, not only go to British resorts in hot places.

I’m in the kitchen; the hard, smooth seat of the high chair at the long breakfast bar is cold on my thighs. It’s hot today, and I’m wearing shorts and a tank. The shorts are ones that came in the second lot of clothing, but they’re pretty cool. They’re denim and sit mid-thigh, so not long, but certainly not Daisy Dukes, which I’d feel all kinds of wrong wearing in a houseful of men.

Mrs. Dannivon isn’t here anymore. She left after the violence of the other night; although, thankfully she didn’t get hurt. She hid in the utility with the dogs. I’m the only woman. There’s a new cook, though, a man called Phillipe, and he makes the most gorgeous food. Good thing too, because the house is full of big men who eat their own body weight daily.

I’m slowly getting to know a few of them, but the only one I feel comfortable with is Reece. He’s friendly, seems kind and laid back, and he’s also on the right side of the law and British military. I find his presence reassuring. Vasily is still in the hospital, but he'll be coming here to recuperate on his release. Andrius is still here, along with Alexei, who I avoid because I don’t know him; he’s scary. Then there’s Kasper; Copyright 2016 - 2024