Wanted Angel - Sadie Moss Page 0,8

distressed that we might die here and worried that we might have to actually run for our lives.

The gargoyle dives for us, not even waiting for his friends to arrive from the main room. Ford immediately puts himself between the monster and the rest of us, roaring with fury and lashing out with a vicious punch.

I let out an involuntary scream, terrified that Ford’s going to shatter all the bones in his hand. But before the punch lands, Beckett yanks me through the doorway and down a short set of stairs into what appears to be a dark, narrow corridor.

“Come on, angel, we’ve gotta go!”

I start running down the corridor just behind him, feeling useless. I have my angel blade that I can summon, but I’m not the best in a fight—especially not in close quarters like this. The tight corridor limits my ability to use either my wings or my sword. The sins are all much better in these kinds of fights than me. Even Nix, and he’s literally the personification of laziness.

Beckett keeps his hand on my arm as he leads me on. Ryland’s bringing up the rear, and when we get several yards down the tunnel, he stops and turns, glaring at the gargoyle behind us with such intensity that I honestly think the stone beast will drop dead.

“I’ll handle this.”

My heart drops into my stomach. It’s not that I doubt his abilities, but can he really deal with a gargoyle all on his own? This feels like his pride getting in the way.

“You need help. You need backup!” I blurt, stumbling to a halt as Beckett tries to yank me forward.

“I’ll be fine.” His chin is down, giving him an almost animalistic look as he stares at the approaching gargoyle. The ground shudders with the force of the heavy stone footsteps.

“Never would’ve pegged you for the self-sacrificing type,” Sawyer drawls. “But Trin’s right. We’ve got your back.” He shoots a glance at Beck over my head. “Get her out of here. Go!”

Before I can protest, Beckett practically picks me up, hauling me farther down the dark hallway as the other men launch themselves at the gargoyle. It’s so dark that I can’t see anything, and I don’t know how Beckett’s able to see anything either, but I have to trust him. I don’t have a choice. And even if I did have a choice… I’d still trust him. The others too.

The tunnel is shaking all around us from the battle, and I’m worried that it’s going to collapse on top of us.

“Just keep going,” Beckett tells me as I hear Ford give a yell that shoots through me like lightning.

Fuck. Are they going to be okay? I don’t want any of them to get hurt.

“Okay, time to go!” Remi runs up to join us, his blue-green eyes flashing in the darkness. I can hear thundering feet behind us.

“What did Ford do!?” Beckett demands.

“Oh, the usual,” Remi says.

The tunnel shakes even more, and I dodge as part of the ceiling crashes down on us.

“He’s just collapsing the whole thing. Fighting stone with stone, you know?” Remi continues, sounding sarcastically cheerful.

“Are you serious?” I ask, my voice hardly more than a croak as my heart climbs into my throat. If anyone could bring down a tunnel by getting into a fight with a bunch of gargoyles, it would be Ford, so I’m not all that surprised, but I’m still horrified.

What if the stones fall on him? What if the entire tunnel comes down, and we’re trapped down here forever?

Beckett takes a hard left, and another set of stairs come into view ahead of us. He gives a low, breathless grunt of satisfaction, and the two of us put on an extra burst of speed. I hurtle up the stairs behind him, catching a glimpse of streetlights and the night sky. I would heave a sigh in relief if we weren’t still running.

We explode out into the night air with the rest of the sins right on our heels. I turn around just in time to see the tunnel collapsing behind us. Ford’s the last one out, and he barely makes it before the stones crumble and fall. Knight and Ryland pull him onto the street, supporting him when he nearly goes to his knees. He looks like he’s taken some heavy hits; there are bruises and scrapes all over him. But he’s okay.

We made it. All of us.

Now my knees nearly give out on me. The tunnel behind

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