Wanted Angel - Sadie Moss Page 0,77

pound weight, but I push it away, focusing only on the woman in front of me.

The woman I love.

The woman who is somehow perfect for me and every single one of my brothers. Who complements us and balances us so well. Who I can’t imagine living without.

And I’m not going to.

I fucking refuse.

Dipping my head, I lower my voice, swallowing back the pain that tries to clog my throat.

“I’m calling in my favor, Trin,” I murmur. “You owe me, remember? I want you to live. That’s my favor. I want you to live.”

My voice is quiet, but my brothers hear me anyway. A second later, I hear Nix’s scratchy voice, raw with pain.

“I’m calling in my favor too. Live, Trin. Please, live.”

“Angel, I’m calling in my favor.” Beckett’s voice is solemn, and he grips Ryland’s hand as Ry bows his head.

“I’m calling in my favor,” Pride murmurs. “We need you, Trinity. Stay with us.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


The world is… it’s so fuzzy and black… everywhere… black…

I’m calling in my favor. Trin. Trin, I’m calling in my favor.

Favor. Yes. I promised Remi a favor. And the others too. That’s binding. I have to honor that. I promised them a favor…

I want you to live. That’s my favor. I want you to live.

Okay. Live. Live. I can… I can manage that…

There’s something cool pressed against my lips. Liquid. It’s pushed into my mouth, and I manage to swallow. It feels like it takes everything in me to do it. My body’s shutting down. I can’t feel anything. But I put the last dregs of energy I have into swallowing. I’ve never felt so weak. I can barely drink.

The liquid slides down my throat, spreading slowly through me. I’m not sure if it’ll work. But I promised Remi, and I’m trying to keep my promise.

He’s calling in his favor.

At first, I can’t feel anything. My body is still numb. The darkness isn’t getting worse, but it’s not getting better either, and I’m almost not sure I even still have a physical form.

I’m just trying to hold on. Clinging to existence.

But then—then I start to feel again. I have toes. I have fingers. I have limbs. A body. And then I can move it. I can move my body again.

It hurts. Oh fuck, it hurts so much, but I can do it. Barely, at first. Slowly. But then more. I’m just one big bruise all over, but I’m actually alive. I was so sure I wasn’t going to make it, but I’m still here.

I made it. I’m okay.

My eyes open slowly. I wasn’t even aware I’d closed them, honestly. But now they’re open, and I can see Remi staring down at me, holding me with an expression of terror and worry on his face.

“There you are,” he murmurs, smiling gently as he strokes my face. “You’re okay, Trin. We’ve got you. Just relax.”

All the other men are around me. When did that happen? I don’t remember. Behind them, I can see that the net’s doing what it’s supposed to do. It’s catching the hellfire, keeping it down, forcing it back into Hell. And what little escaped before the net was set can’t be reflected back down to Earth now that Anderson is dead and the rebellious angels he convinced to work with him have no leader.

“We did it,” I croak. My voice sounds like I haven’t spoken in years. My throat is dry as a desert. “Humans… are gonna be okay.”

“Yes, love,” Sawyer promises me. “It’s over. Earth’s going to be all right.”

He squeezes my hand, and I realize that I’m holding his. I’m not sure when that started, but I’m not mad about it. I wish I had five more hands so I could hold on to each of my men like this.

I hear a quiet sniffling sound, and I manage to turn my face enough to see that Nix is crying. I want to tease him gently, but I can’t, really—not when he’s got every reason to be crying. I cried when I thought the sins had died, so this makes us pretty even.

And besides, I don’t think I can actually physically say that much right now. Any big speeches I might’ve planned to make will have to wait.

Someone presses a kiss to my forehead. I catch a whiff of expensive cologne and realize that it’s Beck. I try to say something, but I just end up murmuring nonsensically instead.

I’m going to be okay, I want to say. I love you, I love you

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