Wanted Angel - Sadie Moss Page 0,36

help him, pulling demons off him as they make their way toward the stairs. Flynn and I are already almost at the top, and I’m dragging my feet. I sure hope he knows I can’t pay him—he needs to keep the men alive for that. There’s no freaking way I’m letting him drag me away from the fight and abandon them.

The entire first floor is packed with demon bodies, some dead and far too many still living, but the sins manage to make their way through the chaos toward the stairs, fighting off the corrupted who try to follow.

“Hurry! Hurry!” Flynn urges, and now that I can tell the men are right behind us, I stop dragging my feet. We race through the door at the top of the stairs, and the seven sins pour through after us.

“This way!” Flynn tugs me toward the back of the building as Sawyer kicks the door shut. The space up here is obviously where Flynn lives, although it’s almost as sparse as the big empty workshop downstairs.

Man, Hell really does suck.

That fleeting thought passes through my mind, but it’s quickly eclipsed by worry about where we’re supposed to go from here. Demons are howling at the door, rattling it on its hinges, and now we’re trapped on the second floor of a building. I’ve got wings, but I really shouldn’t be flying unless I have to—and that still leaves the guys with no way down.

“Hurry!” Waving the rest of the guys over, Flynn lets go of my arm to press another small notch on the wall at the back of the room. A new door appears, and when he opens it, I see a staircase leading down the back of the building on the outside. Warm air wafts into the room, and Flynn practically pushes me through the door as the one behind us bursts open.

Fuck. Those fallen may be low-level, but they’re vicious and determined.

We race down the stairs, moving so fast that I nearly fall twice. The second my feet touch solid ground, we’re sprinting, running through a narrow alleyway between buildings as the monsters on our tails howl.

But when we dart into the street, my heart nearly stops.

“Shit.” Ryland’s lips curl around the word.

More corrupted are waiting for us out here.

I wouldn’t have thought they’d work together like this, and maybe it was just blind luck, but the ones waiting at the front of the building and the ones pursuing us from behind have managed to box us in.

For a second, everyone freezes.

Us. The demons. Flynn.

We all stare at each other as time seems to stand still.

Then a small movement beside me catches my eye. I glance sideways and see the gray-skinned demon pulling a small orb from the pocket of his tattered pants. He sees me looking at him and jerks his head to the right in a tiny movement.

“On my signal, run,” he murmurs.


He gives me a look like I might be dim and gestures to the right with his head a little more emphatically. “On my signal, run.”

I don’t know what the heck he’s talking about. We can’t run that way. There’s a wall, and then there’s a bunch of demons—neither of which are a barrier we’re likely to get through.

But before I can ask him what he means, he gives a savage yell and throws the glass orb in the direction he indicated earlier. It hits the ground in the midst of the demons on the street and explodes, sending bodies flying. The force of the explosion makes my ears ring, and I stagger back.

Flynn yells something, gesturing wildly to the sudden opening as the demons behind us swarm forward.

He wants us to go through. He wants us to run.

“What about you?” I scream.

He shakes his head, then shoves me in the direction of the cleared path. Will the other demons not hurt him? Do they not attack their own kind?

“Trin, we gotta go!” Remi’s hand latches on to mine, and then we’re all running, the men surrounding me in a loose circle as our feet pound against the stone.

I look back over my shoulder as we leap over the prone bodies of demons. Flynn is brandishing another orb as the remaining corrupted snap and snarl at him. Then Remi is pulling me around a corner, and I lose sight of them all.

My heart pounds as we run, darting between buildings and sprinting down dark alleyways where the lights of the fire don’t reach and we

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