Wanted Angel - Sadie Moss Page 0,19

seem to have regained her equilibrium at all, so I keep my arm looped around her as I lift a brow.

“You know that guy?”

“I…” She chews on her lip, then looks up at me. “That’s what you wanted to show me?”

“Yeah. I noticed him poking around a couple minutes ago. He’s not hurling fireballs or anything, and he is an angel, so I figured he wasn’t really a threat. I just wondered if you knew why he was here.”

“I… might.” She looks almost sheepish.

“You know the guy? Is he here for you?”

“Yes. But I… I don’t really want to see him right now. He’s from my old life, Upstairs, and I think he’ll be mad at me.”

She blushes a little as she says the words, and irritation prickles through me. She looks gorgeous as hell and well-fucked, the scent of arousal still clinging to her skin. And I have the distinct feeling that she doesn’t want this angel, someone she knew up in Heaven, to see her like this.

Not surprising. Most angels I’ve met seem to have giant sticks lodged up their asses—or at least, they sure act like they do. They’re all so stiff and formal, so high and mighty.

Not Trin though.

She’s sweet and earnest and down-to-earth.

And I’m not gonna let some stuck-up angel make her feel like she’s less worthy just because she had sex with a sin or two… or three or four.

“Is he gonna be a problem?” I ask her, glancing over at the screens again. The angel looks like he’s finally given up. He’s turned away from the wall and is rising into the air again, his big wings keeping him aloft.

“No.” She shakes her head, relaxing a little as the angel on the screen flies away and disappears from view.

“You wanna tell me how you know him?”

She tilts her head up toward mine, her dark eyes open and sincere. “Not now. But I’ll tell you the whole story one day, okay? I promise. And I promise he’s not here to try to claim the bounty. I’m sure of that.”

Part of me wants to press her for more answers than that. But just as I’m not the type of guy to resist something too hard, I’m not the type to push for something all that hard either. In my experience, things happen on the timeline they’re supposed to anyway, and all you get for pushing is a whole lot of extra effort for the same result.

“As long as you’re safe, Trin,” I tell her. “That’s all I need to know.”

Something crosses over her face, like surprise mixed with happiness, and she blinks quickly a few times. Then she turns a little in my embrace so that she can wrap her arms around my neck. She presses up onto her tiptoes and brushes her lips against mine in the sweetest fucking kiss I’ve ever received.

“Thank you, Nix,” she murmurs, then kisses me once more.

My cock, which has gone up and down so many times today that it might as well be on an elevator, begins to stiffen again as my lips move against hers. My arms slide around her, pulling her close as her body molds to mine.

A sharp rap on the door drags my attention away from her, and I groan as we break apart and turn to see Sawyer poke his head in. He’s gotten dressed, and his amber eyes gleam with amusement as he catches my frustrated expression.

“Beckett and Ryland need everyone in the living room for a strategy meeting,” he says, his lips curling up into a grin. “It can’t wait.”

I groan as he tosses my words from earlier back at me, but I release Trinity as the two of us turn to follow Sawyer back toward the living room.

Cockblocked by Lust. That’s a new low.

Chapter Seven


As we head back into the living room, my body is still buzzing with nerves. It feels like there’s a humming underneath my skin, like my blood has turned into a swarm of bees.

It isn’t only from the sex I just had, either. Well, yes, it is from the sex I just had, but I don’t mean that in a physical way. It isn’t the aftershocks of my orgasm or the physical touch. It’s that Sawyer let me in. Really and truly let me in, with nothing left between us. We were joined as he let his walls down in a way I never expected.

I mean, I hoped he would let me in. That’s what I

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